CFP: International Entrepreneurship Educators Conference 2013 (IEEC 2013)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Mar 15 16:48:05 CET 2013

From: Lisa Hunt [mailto:lisa.hunt at] 
Date: Fri 15 Mar 2013 13:02

International Entrepreneurship Educators Conference 2013 (IEEC2013)
University of Sheffield
11th – 13th September 2013

EEUK and NCEE are pleased to announce that the call for interactive parallel sessions at IEEC2013 is now open.

The deadline for submissions is Friday 17th May 2013.

IEEC is known for its excellent speakers and in particular, for its highly interactive, participant focused parallel sessions.  These are specifically structured to explore the successes and challenges of working in this area, and to support both the delegates and the presenters to explore issues, opportunities, and constraints through a number of themed tracks.
This year’s overall conference theme will be ‘Putting Students at the Centre of Enterprise’.
Within this overall theme we are seeking highly interactive sessions focussed on the following sub-themes: 
•         Social enterprise and social innovation
•         Postgraduate enterprise and entrepreneurship education
•         International collaboration
•         Research-informed enterprise and entrepreneurship education
•         University-business collaboration to support the development of more enterprising graduates
•         Entrepreneurial institutions - policy and strategy 
•         Demonstrations of practice – enterprise education in action
More information about the call as well as an application form is attached to this email.

Please click here <> for other conference information.

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