CFP: 4th IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research - San Francisco, CA - July 9-10, 2013 - Deadline: February 15, 2013

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Fri Dec 14 07:19:24 CET 2012

Date: Thu 13 Dec 2012 15:41:58 +0000
From: Mindee Forman <mforman at>

**Please forgive cross postings**

*4th IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research*

Organizers: Marco Caliendo (University of Potsdam and IZA), Alexander S. 
Kritikos (University of Potsdam, DIW Berlin and IZA), Alicia Robb
(Kauffman Foundation)
Place: San Francisco, USA
Date: July 09 - July 10, 2013

Submission Deadline: February 15, 2013
Notification of Acceptance: March 01, 2013

Keynote Speaker: Robert W. Fairlie (University of California, Santa Cruz)

About the Workshop
The aim of the workshop is to bring together leading scholars and young
researchers working on topics related to entrepreneurship research. We
invite contributions from various interdisciplinary backgrounds:
Theoretical contributions as well as empirical research using
administrative data, survey evidence, laboratory or field experiments,
and neuroeconomic methods are welcome.

Examples of Research Topics for the Workshop are:
• Entrepreneurship Training and Coaching
• Business Cycles, Unemployment & Entrepreneurship
• The Process of Firms’ Entry, Survival, and Growth
• Entrepreneurs and Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills
• Occupational Choice Models and Entrepreneurship
• Risk and Time Preferences of Entrepreneurs
• Decision Making Processes of Entrepreneurs
• Entrepreneurship and Labor Markets Dynamics
• Remuneration of Entrepreneurs

The keynote lecture will be delivered by Robert W. Fairlie (Professor of 
Economics at the University of California, Santa Cruz). He has conducted 
research on entrepreneurship, technology and education, and racial 
inequality and published over 50 peer-reviewed articles in economics, 
entrepreneurship and management journals. His entrepreneurship research 
focuses on entrepreneurship as an economic opportunity, minority and 
immigrant entrepreneurship, and the effectiveness of entrepreneurship 

Researchers desiring to present their work at this meeting are
encouraged to submit a complete paper or an extended abstract by
February 15, 2013 using the online application form. Papers have to be
unpublished at the time of submission. Those authors who are invited are 
expected to participate in the entire two-day meeting and also be
willing to act as discussants. In the case of multiple authors, please
indicate the correspondence author who would be presenting the paper. It 
is expected that about 12 papers will be accepted for presentation over 
the two-day meeting.

The deadline for submission is February 15, 2013.
Acceptance decisions will be announced by March 1, 2013.

Economy class air travel costs for presenters of papers which have been
accepted will be reimbursed according to the IZA reimbursement
guidelines. Accommodation (3 nights) and meals at the conference venue
will be also provided.

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