ANNOUNCE: ISBE Upcoming Doctoral Development Day

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Apr 25 13:25:09 CEST 2012

We thought you would be interested to hear about our upcoming Doctoral Development Workshop. With sessions on everything from research, literature reviews, writing your thesis, vivas and getting published as well as the challenges and opportunities you face as a Doctoral student – and potential academic entrepreneur - the event has something for students at all stages of their PhD. It is also an excellent opportunity to network with other students and discuss your experiences and work. The Doctoral day now takes place twice yearly due to popular demand.

To Register visit  

ISBE Doctoral Day

17 May, 2012, University of Hertfordshire

9:15-10:00 Registration

10.00 Introduction & Welcome
Professor Nigel Culkin and Lorna Treanor

10.15 Writing up a PhD - How to coherently present your thesis Dr. Haya Al-Dajani, Associate Director, Enterprise, Engagement and External Relations, Norwich Business School, UEA

11.00 Coffee

11.15 Networking Activity I – Getting to know each other’s work John Turner, Philosopher-in-Residence

11.45 The Viva - An external examiners' perspective Dr Peter Fraser

12.15 Head to head session - Experiences, pitfalls, tips and hindsight Dr. Norbert Morawetz (recent PhD graduate and published author)
Professor Nigel Culkin Dr Peter Fraser

12. 30 Lunch

13.15 Publishing from your PhD - Tips and Pitfalls Professor Susan Marlow & Professor Keith Randle

14.00 Publishing from your PhD - An editorial view Professor Colette Henry and Professor Susan Marlow

14.45 Setting Up A Company From your PhD – A real life view Professor David Smith & Dr Norbert Morawetz

15.15 Coffee

15.30 Networking Activity II Entrepreneurial vs. academic profile (incl. your personal competences and characteristics) Stephen Arnold, Entrepreneur-in-Residence

16.15 Close and opportunity for further networking

To Register visit 

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