ANNOUNCE: Pre-Pub Offer - Perspectives On Supplier Innovation (Imperial College Press)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Mar 1 15:45:32 CET 2012

From: Alexander Brem [brem at]
Date: Wed 29 Feb 2012 22:41

We are pleased to introduce you our forthcoming book:

Series on Technology Management - Vol. 18
Theories, Concepts and Empirical Insights on Open Innovation and the Integration of Suppliers
edited by Alexander Brem (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) & Joe Tidd (University of Sussex, UK)
550pp (approx.); Pub. date: Mar 2012     
ISBN: 978-1-84816-899-2
List Price: US$168 / £111
Hardly anybody outside a company knows its products and processes better than its suppliers. Research confirms that intensive integration of suppliers in the value creation process positively influences the success of the company, particularly in highly competitive industries. This is a result of the progressing reduction in the depth of value creation of manufacturers and the increasing transfer of know-how towards suppliers. In multilevel business-to-business relationships, suppliers often have the best or the only access and comprehensive knowledge about the end users. Therefore, suppliers determine the scope of possible innovations, which most companies do not actively use.

This unique volume provides a comprehensive overview of theories, concepts and especially empirical results on open innovation and the integration of suppliers. For this, authors from all over the world present their latest research results offering fascinating insights into collaborative approaches with suppliers. Please visit for more information.

The publisher is happy to offer you a special 25% discount for this book. To enjoy this offer, order your copy at World Scientific's online bookstore from now till March 30, 2012. Quote the discount code "AUT0112" as you place your order. 

Kind regards

Alexander Brem & Joe Tidd

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