REQUEST: Entrepreneurial Communities of Practice?

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Feb 23 09:36:35 CET 2012

From: Duncan Levinsohn [mailto:Duncan.Levinsohn at] 
Date: Thu 23 Feb 2012 08:46

Hi everyone!
I would appreciate suggestions/networking in the area of Communities of Practice with regards to entrepreneurship, particularly in relation to how CoPs emerge in relation to entrepreneurship. The subject is pretty close to the emergence of entrepreneurial identity and of course, entrepreneurial learning - so don't worry if your suggestions overlap a little!
Send me an email if you have tips as to who is studying this phenomenon at the moment, good articles, university centres, conferences, special issues of journals, etc!
Thanks for any help!
Duncan Levinsohn
PhD Candidate at Jönköping International Business School, Sweden.
ledu at 

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