RESPONSES (2): Validated questionnaires to be used in Ph.D. Research in entrepreneurship

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Dec 6 10:40:55 CET 2011

From: Karin Berglund <kab at>
Date: 21 November 2011

Dear Joseph, 

I also agree with prof Andersson. 

Tough I see a more qualitative approach by which the concept of success is scrutinized, instead of linking it to financial outcomes. Eg. how come does success get translated to economic variables, when studies of entrepreneurs "intent" rather insist that there are all kinds of motifs for what they currently are up to (and that also is recognized in the stories by entrepreneurs frequently told on in media). Hence, somewhere along this process success is squeezed into orthodox understandings of entrepreneurship, when success rather could  disclose unorthodox meanings if applying an entrepreneuring perspective .

Kind regards, 

From: Pedro Martinez-Estrada [pedrodavid at]
Date: Thu 24 Nov 2011 11:58


That is a very good way to put it. Do you know any article or paper that mentions the positive/negative outcome as a way to measure success?



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