CFP: Special Issue - International Review of Entrepreneurship

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Sep 27 16:38:07 CEST 2011

From: bruceajohnstone at [mailto:bruceajohnstone at]
Date: Tue 27 Sep 2011 15:45

Call for Papers - Special Issue - International Review of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs Going Global: Strategies and Barriers to Internationalisation

Guest Editors:
Robert D. Hisrich (Garvin Professor of Global Entrepreneurship, Director, Walker Center for Global Entrepreneurship, Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA)

Bruce A. Johnstone (Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurial Performance and Economics, Cranfield School of Management, UK)

Despite increasing research interest in the field of International Entrepreneurship over the last two decades, and the wide variety of exciting international business opportunities for entrepreneurs, there is still a lack of understanding and focus in the area. As more countries become market oriented and economically developed, the distinction between foreign and domestic markets in some cases is becoming less pronounced.

This Special Issue will provide a forum to disseminate research and theory relating to barriers to internationalization, and the strategies used by international entrepreneurs to overcome them. Empirical research using quantitative or qualitative methods, reviews of theory or practice and illustrative case studies are welcome. This Special Issue will also contribute to the practice of International Entrepreneurship and provide useful information for business owners who are expanding internationally.

Suggested Topics
.    The Born-Global SME - ventures that begin with an international business model.
.    Barriers to Internationalization - what holds entrepreneurs back from growing globally?
.    Strategies to overcome barriers to the entry of foreign markets.
.    Cultural and social differences as barriers.
.    Strategies to overcome political and economic trade barriers.
.    Market entry strategies of entrepreneurs.
.    Financial constraints on going global.
.    Transformation of ventures from local to global.
.    Case studies that illustrate these themes.

Entrepreneurs Going Global

As economic growth falters in the developed world, it continues apace in the developing world, where populations are emerging from poverty and creating a growing a middle class of consumers that present new opportunities for international entrepreneurs.  But Entrepreneurs Going Global face numerous challenges in doing business in these emerging markets.  

Although the field of International Entrepreneurship has been defined as the study of Entrepreneurship across national borders (McDougall and Oviatt 2000; Oviatt and McDougall 2005); this does not mean the barriers to international entrepreneurship only occur in the crossing of national borders.  When we consider how a venture might become global, it may be that overcoming differences such as those between cultures, religions, urban and rural dwellers, and geographic regions might at times loom larger as barriers than political borders.  While international literally means across national borders, the term internationalization can suggest the idea of rising above all national borders. Hence the title chosen for this special issue:  Entrepreneurs Going Global: Strategies and Barriers to Internationalization.  

New information and communication technologies and online intermediaries with global reach are providing new opportunities for entrepreneurs seeking to grow their businesses globally.  New online ventures that sell and deliver goods to people in many parts of the world can now be quickly established. The strategies of entrepreneurs for exploiting such new opportunities and finding new ways of overcoming a variety of barriers to internationalization will be a focus of this special issue.

Key Dates
.    Full papers submitted: 31 March, 2012
.    Decisions on papers: 16 May, 2012
.    Final revised papers submitted: 30 June, 2012
.    Publication: September 2012

Please submit abstracts and papers, or any ideas and questions to:  

bruce.johnstone at

All papers will go through the regular double-blind review process to ensure relevance and must adhere to the IRE's "Submissions + Notes for Authors" here:


McDougall, P. P. and B. M. Oviatt (2000). "International entrepreneurship: The intersection of two research paths." Academy of Management Journal 43(5): 902-906.

Oviatt, B. M. and P. P. McDougall (2005). "Defining International Entrepreneurship and Modeling the Speed of Internationalization." Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 29(5): 537-554.

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