POSITIONS: PhD Studentship in Entrepreneurial Philanthropy, Agency and Innovation

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Wed Jul 27 11:41:28 CEST 2011

From: Erik Monsen [mailto:erik.monsen at strath.ac.uk] 
Date: Tue 26 Jul 2011 11:12

PhD Studentship 2011/2012
Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship
University of Strathclyde Business School

The Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship invites applications for a fully-funded PhD
studentship in the area of Entrepreneurial Philanthropy and Social Innovation. 

The Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, part of Strathclyde Business School which is located in the heart of Glasgow, supports a vibrant and innovative research culture, with a specialist programme of training and support for research students. Strathclyde Business School was rated as 'world leading' in its research, 1st in Scotland and 7th in the UK by the most recent Research Assessment Exercise in

This studentship is competitive and tenable for 3 years full-time study from October 2011. The studentship covers fees at Home/EU or non-EU international rates, plus an annual stipend of approximately £Ì13,590. The ideal candidate is expected to hold a First Class Honours undergraduate degree or a Masters degree with distinction in a relevant business and management or related social science discipline.

How to Apply:

Applications should be made directly to both Professor Eleanor Shaw (eleanor.shaw at strath.ac.uk) and Professor Sara Carter (sara.carter at strath.ac.uk). Caroline Laurie (caroline.laurie at strath.ac.uk) should also be copied into the message. Applications should be received by 12 noon Friday 12th August 2011.

Applications should include all of the following materials:

· A cover letter identifying your project of interest and explaining your research interests, relevant training and skills, and long-term career goals. This should include a short statement (max 800 words) explaining how these fit with and can add to the research programme
· A curriculum vitae (CV)
· If available, a substantial piece of writing (5,000-10,000 words) such as a literature review or previous research findings
· Official transcript(s) of your undergraduate/postgraduate degrees
· Two academic references from an institution at which you have studied
· English qualifications obtained, if English is not your first language.

Project Descriptor

Entrepreneurial philanthropy, agency and innovation

Informal enquiries and application to: Professor Eleanor Shaw, eleanor.shaw at strath.ac.uk and
Professor Sara carter,  sara.carter at strath.ac.uk

Sara Carter (Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship) and Eleanor Shaw (Marketing) are seeking a PhD candidate in the field of contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy. The successful candidate will join the Centre for Giving and Philanthropy (www.cgap.org,uk), a UK-wide, ESRC-funded research centre which is undertaking research on entrepreneurial philanthropic giving led by the Hunter Centre of Entrepreneurship and the Department of Marketing. They will contribute to an on-going programme of research which is engaged in the critical analysis of entrepreneurial philanthropy in the 21st Century. We are interested in a number of research themes including: the antecedents of entrepreneurial philanthropy; the impact of these on the mechanisms, processes and capitals used by entrepreneurial philanthropists and, the effects of entrepreneurial philanthropy on social change and innovation. We are keen to receive applications from candidates interested in any of these themes and will make our selection based on the quality of applications received. Applicants should have a very strong Masters qualification (or, in exceptional circumstances, a first class honours degree) in Entrepreneurship or a related discipline. Very strong academic references and are a necessity.

Strathclyde Business School

Strathclyde Business School's innovative research programme utilises both single discipline specialisms and multidisciplinary teams to generate and disseminate international thought leadership. In keeping with the University's mission as 'The Place of Useful Learning', our research operates at the front end of new theory development whilst practically impacting on policy and practice.

The University is part of the Scottish Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) and the Scottish Graduate
School of Social Science. This consortium was awarded funding by the Economic and Social Research Council to provide enhanced training opportunities for PhD students in the social sciences. Strathclyde Business School is playing a leading role in both the Accounting and Finance and
Business and Management doctoral training pathways which are part of the DTC.

The Business School supports a vibrant research culture, with a specialist programme of training and support for research students and early career researchers. Opportunities to share ideas with researchers in other disciplines, to develop expertise in new areas of research methodology and to collaborate with researchers in other institutions around the world help our students to develop and grow in a competitive but supportive environment.

Our research students are an integral part of the Business School community. We attract top students from around the world, both recent graduates looking to pursue a career in academia and those with decades of experience in industry who wish to take their career to a new level.

Strathclyde's Research Excellence

The University's research and its continuing growth in areas of strategic importance were confirmed
by the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise.

Strathclyde Business School was affirmed as 'world leading' and 'internationally excellent' and rated
1st in Scotland and in the UK top 10. Strathclyde achieved the highest 'research power' rating for engineering in Scotland and our performance was impressive in areas across the sciences and social sciences.

The Postgraduate Student Experience

The University of Strathclyde is made up of a vibrant, international, community of 16,000 full-time students from 100 countries, and over 3,500 full-time equivalent staff. We are the third largest university in Scotland with a distinctive reputation for innovation and enterprise. Glasgow is Scotland's largest and most cosmopolitan city. The city boasts world-famous art collections, the best shopping in the United Kingdom outside London and consistently tops surveys of preferred places to live and work in the UK.

For more information on postgraduate life at Strathclyde visit www.strath.ac.uk/postgrad.

Our Research Agenda

Collaboration and cross-disciplinary research are integral to our success. We have created a culture of collaboration, fostering partnerships with other leading universities across the globe and the major players in industry. Research pooling - the joining of research strategies, expertise and resources across Scotland - ensures that Scottish research remains of an internationally-leading standard and gives you access to top academics and facilities across a number of institutions. The University has committed to developing its campus to ensure facilities fully support an institution that is dynamic, internationally-focused and successful. Major developments include the Advanced Forming Research Centre in partnership with global industrial manufacturing firms (www.strath.ac.uk/afrc/); the Technology and Innovation Centre (www.strath.ac.uk/tic/) and the recently completed pharmacy and biomedical sciences building (www.strath.ac.uk/sipbs/).

For more information on Strathclyde's research visit www.strath.ac.uk/research.

The Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship

The Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship is the University's newest academic department, endowed by Sir Tom Hunter for the study, research and encouragement of entrepreneurship within Scotland. Its mission is to provide Strathclyde people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to practice entrepreneurship; undertake research in entrepreneurship that combines excellence and relevance; and promote entrepreneurship as a socially desirable career option to students, staff and the Strathclyde community

The Department runs an undergraduate degree pathway, the BA Business Enterprise, and also offers teaching programmes at postgraduate level. The Department has a strong research culture, and undertakes a variety of knowledge exchange activities with audiences such as policy-makers and entrepreneurs at local, national and international levels. The Department has a vibrant postgraduate research community, with 15 PhD candidates currently  registered within  the Hunter Centre. There are 9 members of academic staff, including: Professor Sara Carter (Head of Department), Professor Colin Mason (Director of Research), and Dr Jonathan Levie (Director of Knowledge Exchange); and 6 Senior Lecturers and Lecturers. Further information about the Department can be obtained from the University website http:ljwww.strath.ac.uk/huntercentre/

Dr. Erik Monsen
Senior Lecturer, Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde, Room 7.33, 199 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 0QU, Scotland-UK 
Tel: +44-141 548 3157
Email: erik.monsen at strath.ac.uk
Web: http://www.strath.ac.uk/huntercentre/
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The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, number SC015263

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