POSITIONS: Research Assistant - Department IUG - AAU Klagenfurt

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Wed Jul 6 17:32:36 CEST 2011

From: Nina.Hofbauer at aau.at [mailto:Nina.Hofbauer at aau.at] 
Date: Wed 6 Jul 2011 13:09

The Department of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (www.uni-klu.ac.at/iug), Faculty of Management and Economics at the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria, offers the following positions in Entrepreneurship research projects:

• One position as a Post-doc researcher, 100% for two years;
• Two positions as research assistants, 50% each, for two years.

These positions are possible to combine with Ph.D. studies (dissertation in English or German). All applications will be considered immediately and can be submitted until 15.th of August 2011.

The projects are supported by Österreichischer Jubiläumsfond der Österreichischen Nationalbank in the following areas: 1) Entrepreneurial Teams; 2) Business typologies and configurations. The new project members should be able to work independently as well as to collaborate with other members of the project teams in running the projects and preparing research publications in international journals.

Successful applicants should fulfill the following criteria:
• Have acquired a Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship from an Austrian or international university OR have acquired a Master degree (or equivalent) in Business Administration/Management (preferably with emphasis in Entrepreneurship) from an Austrian or international university
• Have a record of research publications or proven ability to publish in research journals
• Have experience in conducting quantitative research, including research design and analysis of empirical data
• Demonstrate prowess in written and spoken English

The following criteria are regarded as assets:
• Acclaimed Ph.D. thesis preferably within research fields of our department, OR a high grade for the Master thesis (or equivalent), focusing on Entrepreneurship
• Excellent knowledge of entrepreneurship
• Ability to work in teams

Personal profile:
• High motivation and proven interest in research
• Communication skills and organization fit

For a complete application, we need a completed datasheet which can be found on http://www.uni-klu.ac.at/iug/downloads/formblatt_research_assistant.doc and must be enclosed to application. Please send your application with all usually required documents no later than 15th of August 2011 electronically to nina.hofbauer at aau.at and via mail to

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Department for Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Universitätsstr. 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt
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