CFP: GEM Research Conference & Doctoral Workshop 6-8 October 2011

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon May 2 17:26:34 CEST 2011

From: Niels Bosma [mailto:NBosma at] 
Date: Thu 21 Apr 2011 15:11


Fifth Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Research Conference  
"Entrepreneurial Activity: Individual Processes and Contexts”
6-8 October 2011 
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Hosted by Universidad del Norte

Conference website:
See also:

CONFERENCE: 7-8 October 

The conference’s focus is on contextual influences on the process of entrepreneurship by individuals. Entrepreneurship does not take place in a vacuum. Specific contexts shape individual’s entrepreneurial behaviors, their entrepreneurial attitudes, activities, and aspirations. Contextual influences on entrepreneurial behaviors encompass social, cultural, and economic influences, and they may operate at multiple different levels: e.g., locality, region, or country. Of particular interest is the appreciation of contextual influences on entrepreneurial activities in developing and emerging economies. All accepted submissions will use GEM data, preferably individual level GEM data combined with other data sources.


Doctoral students who are using, or intend to use GEM data, are warmly invited to participate in the GEM Doctoral Workshop with contributions from several experienced GEM researchers before attending the conference. Students will get the opportunity to present their research (plans) and get useful feedback from experienced GEM researchers.


500‐word abstracts due May 31st, 2011
Applications for the doctoral workshop due May 31st, 2011
Notification of abstract acceptance June 20th, 2011
Notification of participation in the doctoral workshop June 20th, 2011
Deadline for early registration July 30th, 2011
Full papers due August 31st, 2011

Abstracts, applications for the doctoral workshop and full papers should all be submitted by email to the following address: globalgem at


Scientific committee: Zoltan J. Acs (George Mason University), José Ernesto Amóros (Universidad del Desarrollo), Erkko Autio (Imperial College Business School, London), Niels Bosma (Utrecht University), Alicia Coduras (Instituto de Empresa), Julio DeCastro (Babson College), Saul Estrin (London School of Economics), Liyis Gómez (Universidad del Norte), Piedad Martínez (Universidad del Norte), Maria Minniti (Southern Methodist University), Alejandro Olaya (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana), Fernando Pereira (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana), Jaime Serida (Universidad Esan), Rolf Sternberg (University of Hannover), Yancy Vaillant (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Rodrigo Varela (Universidad ICESI).

Organizing committee: Liyis Gómez (Universidad del Norte), José Ernesto Amorós (Universidad del Desarrollo) and Niels Bosma (Utrecht University).

For any questions, please contact the conference team. 
Email: globalgem at  
Telephone: +575 3509266


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