entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Mar 3 15:41:49 CET 2011

From: Çağrı BULUT [mailto:cagri.bulut at] 
Date: Wed 2 Mar 2011 22:05

Call for Papers to ICBME'11

Dear Colleagues,

The Organizing Committee would like to invite you to submit abstracts and/or papers for the 7th International Conference on Business, Management and Economics - ICBME'2011 organized by Yaşar University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in collaboration with Valparaiso University, College of Business Administration - USA during October 06 - 08, 2011, at Altinyunus Resort Hotel and Convention Center, in Ceşme / Izmir - Turkey.

While from all areas of Business and Economics are welcome and the best papers in specific areas will be awarded, the following fields have been identified as the topics of special sessions for ICBME'2011. Participants are welcome to present conceptual and empirical papers in these fields on the ICBME'2011.

. Development Agencies and Local Governments: Effects on the Regional Developments
. Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance
. Societal Marketing
. Societal Media
. Social Entrepreneurship

Please circulate this information to your colleagues and interested parties in your organization and beyond. We look forward to your attendance in this conference.

With Best Regards,
Cagri Bulut, Ph.D. 
Member of ICBME Organization Committee 

Important Deadlines: 
Abstract and/or paper Submission deadline is April 18, 2011

Please submit your electronic abstract or paper (as word attachment) to icbme at, or submit online  where more information is available. 

Cagri BULUT, Ph.D.
Head of Business Administration Department & 
Vice Dean Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Yasar University 
Universite Caddesi, No.35-37
35100 Bornova, Izmir, TURKIYE
Phone: +90 (232) 411 5000 Ext:5192
Fax: +90 (232) 411 5020

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