POSITIONS: NIFU søker innovasjonsforskere/vacant positions for innovation researchers at NIFU

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Tue Mar 1 15:26:29 CET 2011

From: Ekaterina Bjørnåli [mailto:ekaterina.bjornali at nifu.no] 
Date: Thu 24 Feb 2011 21:13

NIFU (Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education) aims to be a leading European research organization for studies of education, research and innovation. To further strengthen research on innovation we are looking to hire senior researchers/ researchers with strong academic records and interest in quantitative and/or policy-related innovation studies.  
The full announcement is found at http://www.nifu.no/English/SitePages/Fullstory.aspx?ItemId=25&ID=1946
Queries concerning the vacant positions, expression of interests and CV can be sent to Head of Research Taran Thune taran.thune at nifu.no
Please forward this announcement to anyone you think might be interested.
Med vennlig hilsen / Yours sincerely
Taran Thune/ NIFU
Forskningsleder / Head of research 
+47 22 59 51 21 (00) / +47 93 06 95 94 (m)
Nordisk institutt for studier av 
innovasjon, forskning og utdanning
Nordic Institute for Studies in
Innovation, Research and Education


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