ANNOUNCEL: Ph.D. Seminar on Open Innovation and Business Models

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Nov 29 17:13:28 CET 2010

PhD Seminar: Open Innovation & Open Business Models

We welcome you to what promises to be a most intensive, exciting intellectual experience.   We 
have both written extensively on the topic of Open Innovation (which we will define carefully 
during the Course), but we believe that the best work in this area is yet to come!  We have selected 
some readings and chapters to guide you in preparing for our two day Course.  You will get much 
more out of the Course if you make the time to put more into it.  Please read the assigned material 
carefully, and come prepared to share your questions, reflections and criticisms with us and your 
colleagues. Furthermore, upon registration participants should submit an abstract (1-2 pages) as 
well as bring one poster (A2) of their current or indented research on open innovation to be 
discussed with faculty and Ph.D. candidates.

We have also incorporated reasonably long breaks and lunches, so we hope that you’ll have time to 
get to know us and each other.  While the Open Innovation research community is growing, it 
remains at an early stage of development.  Your passion, commitment, energy and ideas are vitally 
needed.  Once again, welcome!

Henry Chesbrough, Haas School of Management  - UC Berkeley & ESADE
Wim Vanhaverbeke, Hasselt University, Vlerick Management School & ESADE

For more information:


contact directly Pilar Gallego: pilar.gallego at

General information: 

School: ESADE Business School, Barcelona - Sant Cugat Campus
Date:January 24-25, 2011
Time: 9:00 – 12:30 h. - 14:00 – 20:00 h.
ECTS: 3 
Language: English
Participants max: 25
Participants min: 5
Fee : 660 €
Special fee for CEMS / EDAMBA
Enrollment deadline: January 12th , 2011

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