CFP: Virgil Madgearu – Review of Studies and Economic Research

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Sat Apr 3 18:15:21 MESZ 2010

From: mitra catalina [mitracatalina at]
Date: Sat 3 Apr 2010 17:21

Virgil Madgearu – Review of Studies and Economic Research

Dear colleagues, 

We are pleased to inform you about the initiative of the “Virgil Madgearu” Center for Consulting Services and Professional Training for Business Environment and of the Institute of European Economy to issue a biannual Review of Studies and Economic Research on various present interest economic fields.

The main fields of publishing are:
1. Labor flows
2. Risk management and actuarial research
3. Comparative accounting systems
4. Economic policies of the E.U.
5. Entrepreneurship and business development
6. Comparative regional studies
7. Quality management
8. Economic growth and its main factors
9. Interwar and post war comparative evolutions
10. Applied game theory 
11. Environmental Economics; challenges for global economy
12. Linguistic mobility within the public sphere and intercultural business communication
13. Business promoting opportunities, with focus on management, marketing, retailing, tourism 
14. Information Society
15. Support Systems for collaborative environment
16. Financial strategies and policies

We are inviting you to participate with Working Papers or Systematic articles with integrated examples from practice to our Review.
The text must respect the following editing rules:
-          Language: English
-          Please use only Microsoft Word for Windows
-          Length of paper: between 10 and 20 pages
-          Abstract with key results (not more than 150 words)
-          minimum 3 key words in English
-          Also, please specify the JEL Classification codes ( 
-          File à Page Setup à Margins:
  ·         Top: 30 mm
  ·         Bottom: 77mm
  ·         Left: 30 mm
  ·         Right: 50 mm
  ·         Gutter: 0 mm
  ·         Orientation: Portrait
  ·         Pages à Multiple Pages à Mirror Margins
-          Paper à Paper Size: A4
-          Layout à Header: 20 mm, Footer: 77 mm
-          Font: Times New Roman, single spaced.
-          On the first page, after 5 rows, will be the title (font Times New Roman, 16 pp, Bold).
-          After 1 row, put the author(s) and after 2 rows will be the abstract (Times New Roman, 11 pp, maximum 7 rows).
-          After 2 rows, the main text will start (Times New Roman, 12 pp).
-          Please use footnotes for the references used in the context.
-          Please use the JEL Classification Systems for ranking your paper. 

Hoping that we rouse yours attention, please send the papers by e-mail to the address: 

catalin.postelnicu at
(contact person Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Cătălin Postelnicu)
„Babeş-Bolyai” University,
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 
58-60, Mihali Teodor St., 400591 Cluj-Napoca, 
TEL: +40-264-418652, FAX: +40-264-412570

Asist. drd. Catalina Mitra,

Babes-Bolyai University , Cluj-Napoca , Romania 
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 
Department of Management 
Mobile Tel: 0040745299223 
No. 58-60, Teodor Mihali Street , Room 249
400591 Cluj-Napoca 
Skype address: mitracatalina

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