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Wed Mar 24 11:29:54 MEZ 2010

From: Prof. Dr. Petra Moog
Date: Tue 23 Mar 2010 16:09

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - A Model of Success?
Framework Conditions, Strategies, Values Orientation
23 and 24 September 2010, University of Siegen
Call for Papers

Following the positive perception of the first 'Research Forum on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' in Frankfurt am Main in 2008, the 2nd Forum will be held on 23 and 24 September 2010 at University of Siegen.

The conference is intended for field professionals in research and higher education with an interest in small and medium-sized enterprise research, as well as for interested individuals in the areas of politics, trade and professional associations, and entrepreneurial practice. Two thematically arranged sets of lectures will provide in-depth reflections on strategies of SMEs: firstly, efficient management and political responses to the worldwide financial and economic crisis, and secondly, a discussion on the role of ethics and value orientation of SMEs. A general set of lectures covering different fields of SME research will also be offered. An English track is planned as well.

Overview of Topics
. Value Orientation: Corporate Social Responsibility & Social Entrepreneurship
. Human Resources & Continuing Education (continuing vocational training)
. Crisis and Turnaround Management
. Start-ups and Business Succession
. Internationalisation
. Innovation and Change Management
. Co-operations, Networks and Value Chain Management
. Management Accounting and Operations Management Strategies

The Organising and Programme Committee invites all interested researchers and practicioners to submit proposals - particularly with regard to the conference topics. Please submit appropriate abstracts, in German or English, not exceeding a length of two DIN A4 pages (Times New Roman, 12-point type), in electronic form (Word or PDF file) to:

research at

15 May 2010 Deadline for submission of abstracts
15 July 2010 Notification of acceptance or rejection of proposed lectures
15 December 2010 Deadline for submission of papers for special publications of conference proceedings

Your Contact for the Call for Papers
Susanne Schlepphorst
University of Siegen, Hölderlinstrasse 3, D-57068 Siegen
Tel +49 271 740 3018, Fax +49 271 740 3013
research at

A special issue of the Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB) will be published in conjunction with the conference. If we receive a sufficient number of papers in English, we offer the possibility for publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing. The referee process of the respective journal applies.

Organising/Programme Committee
Prof. Dr. Petra Moog, Conference President, University of Siegen
Daniel Kathan, University of Siegen
Prof. Dr. Peter Letmathe, University of Siegen
Dr. Klaus Mark, KfW Bankengruppe
Dr. Margarita Tchouvakhina, KfW Bankengruppe
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schulte, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Prof. Dr. Frank Wallau, Institute for SME-Research, Bonn
Prof. Dr. Peter Witt, University of Dortmund

Registration fees
Early registration EUR 220
Regular EUR 250
Research Assistants / Students (early registration) EUR 120
Research Assistants / Students (Regular) EUR 150
20% discount for lecturers

Registration deadline for early registrants: 31 July 2010.

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