ANNOUNCE: Entrepreneurship (Newcastle University Business School)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Feb 9 16:05:07 CET 2010

From: Simon Down [mailto:simon.down at] 
Date: Fri 5 Feb 2010 15:11

Entrepreneurship Workshop event June 3rd and 4th:
Building capacity in the new 'European' School of Entrepreneurship
KITE (Knowledge Innovation, Technology and Enterprise centre) and the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship are proud to announce a workshop to be held at Newcastle University Business School in June 2010. Professors William Gartner and Per Davidsson will give keynote addresses opening the workshop, and twenty leading entrepreneurship scholars will present papers (the programme details are below) discussing the emergence of a new 'European' school of entrepreneurship (Hjorth et al 2008: 82).
The aim of this two day workshop is to create a dedicated creative conversational space in which the purpose, scope and direction of the new European 'school' can be further developed, whilst at the same time promoting pluralism and convergence rather than separation between the dominant school and the new European School. Hence the workshop will explore the tensions and differences between the schools and how to further integrate European perspectives more centrally into dominant entrepreneurship debates. The workshop will thus provide a meeting space for key participants to build on earlier conversations, and create more of a tangible international community.
There are limited spaces available for the event for non-speaking attendees. Current PhD students are encouraged to attend at a reduced registration rate. The registration fee is as follows:
PhD student rate: £100
Academic and practitioner rate: £250
The fees include workshop lunches and coffee refreshments, but not evening meals. Accommodation can be arranged but is not included in the price of registration.
Please contact Jill.Green at to secure your place at the workshop. If you have an academic enquiry about the workshop, please contact organiser Dr Simon Down simon.down at 
Workshop programme 

Day 1 - June 3rd

9.00-9.20	Registration, coffee and tea 
9.20-9.30	Introduction and welcome Prof Charles Harvey, PVC HaSS Faculty, Newcastle University.
9.30-11.00	Keynotes: Bill Gartner, and responder, Per Davidsson
11.00-11.30	Coffee and tea
11.30-1.00	New European School of Entrepreneurship - objectives and purpose 
Daniel Hjorth - 'A European School - an inclusive differentiation?' 
Tony Watson - 'Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial action: bridging European and US traditions'
1.00-2.00	Lunch
2.00-3.15	Theory and method
Anne de Bruin, Candida Brush and Friederike Welter - 'Beyond the individual - opportunity nexus' 
Chris Steyaert and Michel Bachmann - 'Far from Innocent: Reconceptualizing Method in Entrepreneurship Studies' 
3.15-3.30	Coffee and tea
3.30- 5.00	Education and learning 
David Rae - 'Entrepreneurial education & learning: responding to the challenge of the new era'
Richard T Harrison, Claire M Leitch and Patricia Greene - 'Sustainability, Education and Development: The Contribution of Entrepreneurship Education to Regional Development'
5.00-5.30	Informal discussions
Day 2 - June 4th 
9.00-9.30	Coffee
9.30-11.15	Enterprising cultures
Sarah Drakopoulou Dodd, Alistair R Anderson and Sarah L Jack - 'The "meaning" of entrepreneurship: cultural perceptions amongst young Europeans' 
Alf Rehn - 'Wandering Tribes, Incantations and Meeting Magick - Towards an Anthropological Understanding of Entrepreneurship Evangelists and Their Followers'
Denise Fletcher - 'Business ownership, emotion work and the 'managed hearts' of entrepreneurship'
11.15-11.30	Coffee and tea
11.30-1.00	Gender
Helene Ahl and Susan Marlow - 'Institutional influences upon women's entrepreneurship: a cross comparative study of the UK and Sweden'. 
Eleanor Hamilton - 'The discourse of entrepreneurial masculinities (and femininities)'
1.00-2.00	Lunch
2.00-3.30	Policy
David Smallbone - 'Policies to Promote Entrepreneurship: the Role of Social Context'
Oswald Jones and Allan Macpherson - 'Putting Shane in the Shade: Making the Case for Supporting Entrepreneurship'
2.30-4.00	Where next? Discussion forum
4.00-5.00	Informal discussions and workshop close
Hjorth, D., Jones, C. and Gartner, W. (2008) 'Introduction for "Recreating/Recontextualising Entrepreneurship" Scandinavian Journal of Management 24(2): 81-84.
Dr Simon Down
Centre for Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and Enterprise (KITE)
Newcastle University Business School 
City Wall, Citygate, St James Boulevard 
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4JH 
Email: simon.down at
Tel: 0191 243 0799
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