REQUEST: Intensive PhD summerschool in E-ship anywhere?

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Feb 5 14:16:28 CET 2010

From: Eveline Stam [mailto:AMCE.Stam at] 
Date: Thu 4 Feb 2010 10:24

Hello everybody,
I am looking for an extensive PhD summerschool in Entrepreneurship Research for the summer 2010 with an emphasize on the research part and not an introduction in E-ship theory. Last year Jonkoping Business School organized one with state of the art researchers but it is unclear if they will repeat this. I am about to desing my methods for my thesis and desire a high-end intensive E-ship PhD level course and willing to travel anywhere.
Does anybody know of the existence of such a course? Please let me know!
Kind Regards, 
Eveline Stam
A.M.C.Eveline Stam MSc
Lecturer & PhD Candidate  Entrepreneurship & Social Networks . *Department of Organization Sciences * Faculty of Social Sciences * VU University Amsterdam Mailing addres:   De Boelelaan 1081 * 1081 HV * Amsterdam * The Netherlands Visiting addres:  Buitenvelderderstelaan 3 * Room N-327 
T + 31 20 59 83 584  *  F  + 31 20 59 86 820 

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