POSITIONS: Innovation Fellow (U of Wales)

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Tue Feb 2 08:55:18 CET 2010

University of Wales
Innovation Fellow (North Wales) 

Applications are invited for the above post within the Global Academy at the University of Wales. The Innovation Fellow (North Wales) will be based at the new University of Wales office at the Galeri in Caernarfon. 

The Global Academy is a major new initiative developed by the University of Wales and its strategic partners. The overall aim is to increase innovation and the economic performance of Wales through enhanced synergy between higher education and business.  
Innovation Fellows will be part of a new team within the University of Wales - the Global Academy - which forms part of the Research and Innovation Directorate. The Innovation Fellows will work on a range of new projects and initiatives as directed by the Council of the University of Wales, the Vice-Chancellor and/or the Director of Research and Innovation. 

Currently these include the following, but are likely to expand to involve new projects and initiatives (as the University of Wales responds strategically to new opportunities):

.  The Prince of Wales Innovation Scholarships 
.  The Prince of Wales Visiting Innovators 
.  Development and research services to SMEs across Wales 
.  Development of the University of Wales Institute of Innovation 
.  Innovation and entrepreneurship training programmes and Summer School 
.  Research and consultancy projects with businesses, the public and third sector across Wales 

This is a full time position and the appointment will be made at a salary within the range of £28,139 - £32,620. 
The Prince of Wales Innovation Scholarship Programme is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund in Wales 
Closing date for applications: 8 February 2010 

More info at http://www.wales.ac.uk/en/AboutUs/Vacancies/InnovationFellowNorthGlobalAcademy.aspx

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