CFP: Enacted Entrepreneurship in Education (IJEV

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Jan 25 11:12:07 CET 2010

From: Bjørn Willy Åmo [mailto:Bjorn.Willy.Amo at] 
Date: Mon 25 Jan 2010 10:17

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (IJEV) 
Call For Papers
Special Issue on: "Enacted Entrepreneurship in Education"

Guest Editors:
Bjørn Willy Åmo, Bodø Graduate School of Business, Norway
Håkan Ylinenpää, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Bengt Johannisson, Linnaeus University, Sweden

Entrepreneurship in education
Entrepreneurship education seeks to provide different categories of students with the knowledge, skills and motivation to encourage entrepreneurial success in a variety of settings.  What makes entrepreneurship education distinctive is its focus on realization of opportunity (action), which involves specific challenges for both educators and students. From an initial focus on business-related entrepreneurship we today witness a growing interest in social (not for profit) entrepreneurship, which in turn broadens the arena (and the challenges involved) for the field of entrepreneurship education. This specific special issue of IJEV aims to address challenges and emerging solutions in this context.  

Linked to this special issue is also a conference on this specific theme. Luleå University of Technology, Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Science and Bodø University College arrange the 2nd "Entrepreneurship and innovation in Nordic education" conference to be held in Luleå, Sweden, June 15-17 2010. The conference ( has two tracks: "Entrepreneurship in Education" and "Enacting Entrepreneurship". Parallel to inviting academic researchers, teachers and practitioners to this specific event we hereby invite to a special issue of IJEV on "Enacting entrepreneurship in Education" where presentation of manuscripts/papers at this conference may be regarded as a step towards submission of a developed manuscript to this specific IJEV issue. Participation in the conference is however not a prerequisite for submitting to the special issue - also submissions directly towards the special issue are hence welcome.

In this special issue we invite papers addressing entrepreneurial learning and learning and education for entrepreneurship today and in the future. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: 

. The aim of entrepreneurship education and learning
. The future of entrepreneurship education and learning
. The dynamics between entrepreneurial education and society 
. Influencers on the shaping of entrepreneurship education
. Measures of success in entrepreneurship education and training 
. The outcomes of entrepreneurship education and learning
. Entrepreneurial learning in networks
. Coaching, guidance and supervision of entrepreneurial competences 
. Entrepreneurship education and learning in different countries or contexts
. Definitions and expectations regarding entrepreneurship education compared
. Didactics in entrepreneurship education and learning
. Activity-based learning in entrepreneurship education and learning
. Entrepreneurship approaches in different disciplines
. Applied entrepreneurship in non-business educations
. Renewal and consistency in entrepreneurship education methodology 
. Entrepreneurship education for educators in basic education 

Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page.
More information at:

Important Dates
Full paper submission deadline: 15 April, 2010. Notification of acceptance for second review process: 1 July, 2010. Submission of reworked papers: 15 October, 2010. Notification of final acceptance: 1 January, 2011.

Editorial notes
All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please go to Online Submissions of Papers (
If you experience any problems submitting your paper online, please contact submissions at, describing the exact problem you experience. Please include in your email the title of the Special Issue, the title of the journal and the name of the Guest editors.

Bjørn Willy Åmo
Bodø Graduate School of Business
NO-8049 Bodø
Email: bjoern.willy.aamo at

Håkan Ylinenpää 
Luleå University of Technology 
SE-971 87 Luleå 
Email: hakan.ylinenpaa at

Bengt Johannisson
Linnaeus University/Jönköping University
SE-351 95 Växjö
Email: bengt.johannisson at

E-mail IJEV: editorial at

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