CFP: 2nd "Entrepreneurship and innovation in Nordic education" Conference

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Dec 8 10:24:14 CET 2009

From: Sari Roininen [mailto:Sari.Roininen at] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 8:31 AM

Call for papers

This is a call for papers for the 2nd "Entrepreneurship and innovation in Nordic education" conference to be held in Luleå, Sweden, June 15-17 in 2010. The conference is held in the city of Luleå, famous for its bright summer nights, the beautiful world heritage listed church village in the old town, and the large and accessible archipelago.

The conference focuses upon entrepreneurial learning in all levels of the school system. Entrepreneurial learning is both about learning for traditional entrepreneurship but also about learning aimed to empower and emancipate students for any future role in society. With this call we want to invite researchers, practitioners and politicians interested in transfer of best practice within the field of entrepreneurial learning. The aim of the conference is to develop theory and practice in entrepreneurship training and education for the benefit of the participators. In this conference both practical (i.e. from teachers or administrators in the school system) and academic (i.e. from researchers) contributions are welcome. The conference language will be Scandinavian (i.e. Swedish, Norwegian, Danish) or English. The best academic papers presented at the 2nd "Entrepreneurship and innovation in Nordic education" conference will be considered for the anthology "Entrepreneurship education: Transfer of best practice" or to a special issue of International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (IJEV) on "Entrepreneurship education and training".

Track themes
The main theme of the conference is: How do we understand and express entrepreneurship in teaching and learning? The program committee welcomes original contributions from both practitioners and academics, where the practitioners are welcome to share own experiences and best practices, and the academics to present scientific papers. The main team is divided in two tracks, namely:

1. Entrepreneurship in education
In this track we invite papers about entrepreneurial learning for traditional entrepreneurship today and in the future. Interesting topics could, for example, consider action oriented entrepreneurship learning, measures or success in entrepreneurship education and training, or entrepreneurship as a tool for new venture creation and renewal.

2. Enacting entrepreneurship
In this track we invite papers about entrepreneurial learning aimed to empower and emancipate students for any future role in society. Interesting topics could, for example, consider coaching, guidance and supervision of entrepreneurial competences or how entrepreneurship could be used as a tool for basic education in order to create more entrepreneurial students.

For a first announcement of interest, and for further information on the conference, please contact PhD Mats Westerberg at mats.westerberg at

Important deadlines and registration information
. Submission of abstracts - 15 January 2010
. Notification to authors - 8 February 2010
. Submission of full papers - 8 Mars 2010
. Author registration - 25 April 2010
. Acceptance for journal publicity - 1 July 2010

At least one author from every paper accepted must be registered to attend the conference by 25 April, 2010. Failure to meet this request will result in the paper being removed from the programme. Scientific committee:

. Mats Westerberg (Assistant professor in Entrepreneurship at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden),
. Eva Alerby (Professor in Educational Science at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden),
. Ove Pedersen (Assistant Professor at Bodø University College, Norway),
. Seppo Saari (Dr and development manager at University of Applied Science, Finland). Keynotes and members of the sum-up panel:
. Jill Kickul, the Elizabeth J. McCandless Professor in Entrepreneurship at the Simmons School of Management, US.
. Tony Ghaye, Professor and Chief Executive Officer of the International Institute of Reflective Practice, U.K.
. Bengt Johannisson, also known as Sweden's first Professor of Entrepreneurship and Business Development.
. Paula Kyrö, Professor of Entrepreneurship Education at Helsinki School of Economics, Finland.
. Vesa Puhakka, Professor of entrepreneurship at the University of Oulu, Finland.
. Additional keynotes are under consideration.

Below is a set of guidelines and formatting instructions to help you prepare and submit your academic paper. Please read the following carefully prior to submitting:
1. Each paper can only be submitted to ONE track, please see the list of tracks below.
2. Submitted papers must NOT have been previously presented, published, accepted for publication, and if under review process, must NOT appear in print before the 2nd "Entrepreneurship and innovation in Nordic education" conference in June 15-17, 2010.
3. To facilitate the blind review process, remove ALL authors identifying information, including acknowledgments, from the text.
4. The entire paper (title page, abstract, main text, figures, tables, references, etc.) must be in ONE document created in PDF format.
5. The maximum length of the first abstract (including the importance of the matter, the methods used, and results and conclusions) is 500 words.
6. The maximum length of the final paper (if accepted) is 9.000 words (including references).
7. The paper format should follow the APA reference system (
8. Use Times New Roman 12-pitch font, double spaced, and 1-inch (2,5 cm) margin all around.
9. Number all the pages of the paper.
10. NO changes in the title, abstract, authorship, and actual paper can occur AFTER the submission deadline of the full paper.
11. Check that the PDF file of your paper prints correctly (i.e. all imported figures and tables are there), and ensure that the file is virus-free.
12. Submissions will be done on-line on the 2nd "Entrepreneurship and innovation in Nordic education" conference website

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