REQUEST: A global on-line behavioral survey on LUCK: Soliciting participants and collaborators

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Sep 24 16:28:14 MESZ 2009

From: cwliu0814 at [mailto:cwliu0814 at] On Behalf Of Liu, Chengwei 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:54 AM


We are implementing a cross-cultural behavioral survey on ‘luck’. More specifically, the survey explores the use of counter-factual thinking in the application of luck. We seek your help in collecting data. The survey is conducted through an on-line format. The average completion time is five to ten minutes. All data collected will be used for academic purpose only. No identifying information will be disclosed. If you agree to help, please take the survey using the following link:

The purpose of the current survey is to explore why outcome bias exists through the lens of ‘counterfactual thinking’. Counterfactual thinking is a mental simulation process concerning about events that could have happened but did not. The current survey examines whether the tendency of people’s counterfactual thinking is a contributing factor to outcome bias.

If you choose to, we would appreciate your forwarding the same link to your contacts where you consider appropriate (e.g. colleagues, friends or students). There is no specific limitation for our sampling. We will keep all individual responses confidential and your identity will never be disclosed.

If you have any comment on our survey or would like to know more about our research project: ‘The mental simulation process concerning luck and chance successes’, please do not hesitate to email me at cwl26 at . Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

Chengwei Liu (PhD candidate, University of Cambridge, UK)
Ina Freeman (Associate Professor, Groupe Sup de Co, La Rochelle, France)

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