POSITIONS: Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (Southampton Solent University)

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Mon Sep 7 13:51:34 MESZ 2009

Southampton Solent University (SSU)
Southampton Business School

Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellowships 2009-2010

General Information
The Leverhulme Trustees have renewed their Visiting Fellowships Scheme for
2009/2010. SSU is one of 12 higher education institutions selected to offer
these prestigious awards in the current year.
These Fellowships are for 9-12 months only beginning in September 2009 or
as soon as possible thereafter. They are open to any postdoctoral academic
researcher (or person of equivalent status) who is not a UK citizen and is
permanently resident in any country other than the UK. The final selection
of Fellows is subject to approval by the Leverhulme Trust.
Fellows are encouraged not only to conduct research but also to give
lectures and seminars, and to participate in the intellectual life of the
institution. The intention is to stimulate ‘research’ activities and
intellectual links between the visitor and hosts. The Fellowship also
provides an ideal opportunity for the visitor to "harvest" publications
from their thesis.
The intention is to make two awards in 2009-2010, but if only one award is
made there is a possibility that another Fellowship will be available in
2010 to 2011.

Academic Focus
SSU has a wide range of research interests which spread beyond those
normally found in a business school to embrace topics such as sports
management, tourism, and environmental law - but would like to make one of
these awards in the field of entrepreneurship. Preference will be given to
a person interested in pursuing research on environmental entrepreneurship
(ecopreneurship), or social entrepreneurship more generally.

Financial Support
Financial support offered for 2009-10 is as follows:
•     An allowance for subsistence expenses of up to £1,800 per month, the
actual amount to depend on the amount of income or grant, if any, available
to the Fellow from other sources. Note that these funds do not constitute a
salary. The awards enable work on a specific range of research activities
for a period of fixed duration and therefore should not be construed as a
contract of employment.
•     An allowance for subsistence, at £390 per month, for an accompanying
spouse or partner who is not in receipt of other income and who must plan
to spend at least six months in the UK.
•     A return fare (normally the cheapest return air fare available or two
one-way tickets if these are more economical) for the Fellow and
accompanying spouse or partner.
•     Up to £750 for travel and subsistence within the UK, away from the
host institution, for the Fellow so that he or she can attend conferences
or undertake research trips.

Terms and Conditions
Fellows must have secured a doctorate, or be equivalently qualified, at the
time of taking up the Fellowship. There is no age limit. However, the
scheme is primarily intended to support younger, less experienced
researchers, who have not yet spent an extended period in the UK, to enable
them to develop skills and experience. Hence, those with more than eight
years of postdoctoral experience would not normally be considered suitable
recipients. They must be citizens of and permanently resident in any
country other than the UK, and intend to return to that country at the end
of their Fellowship.

Contact Point
People interested in these Fellowships should e-mail at the Director of
Southampton Business School at <Simon.Brown at Solent.ac.uk> and the Head of
Research <David.Watkins at Solent.ac.uk> as soon as possible. We intend to
fill available places as rapidly as good candidates present themselves. In
the first instance we require a brief CV, a statement regarding the current
status of the candidate’s PhD, and no more than 250 words about current and
intended research interests. This is unlikely to run to the equivalent of
more than two pages of A4. (For guidance, this announcement runs to
approximately 630 words.)

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