REMINDER: Research on Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Data (IJEV)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Aug 19 09:17:03 MESZ 2009

Call For Papers
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (IJEV)
Special Issue on: "Research on Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Data"
Deadline: 15 September, 2009

Guest Editors:
Bjørn Willy Åmo, Bodø Graduate School of Business, Norway
Niels Bosma, Utrecht University, Urban & Regional research centre Utrecht, The

This special issue focuses upon novel ways to utilize the rich dataset the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) project offers entrepreneurship researchers. GEM started in 1999 examining conditions for entrepreneurship in 10 countries. Over 60 countries have participated in this yearly examination since then and the 2008 investigation include 43 countries. GEM measures conditions for entrepreneurship, its manifestations and some conditions for entrepreneurship among a representative cohort of the population. This allows investigations of entrepreneurship in numerous ways. The GEM website ( list some articles already published using GEM data, and it provides GEM raw data from 1999 to 2004 that everyone could use. The interested researcher can access younger data by linking to GEM researchers (contact information to be found at GEMs homepage).

By inviting research exploring and approaching GEM data in novel ways, we expect the GEM project to evolve and gain increased momentum by the agendas developed in this special issue.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Comparing conditions for entrepreneurship among countries
* Investigating changing conditions for entrepreneurship over time
* Regional differences
* Institutional structures, human and social capital facilitating or blocking entrepreneurship
* Longitudinal studies following the same respondents over time
* Investigations linking GEM data to other data sources
* Links between the individual level (the entrepreneur) and society (i.e. growth in GDP)
* Arrangement for funding the entrepreneurial venture, business angles
* Nascent entrepreneurship and business ownership
* Corporate entrepreneurship and independent start-up
* Gender or ethnicity issues
* Start-up strategies (i.e. level of export, innovation, size or industry)
* Data quality issues
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page.

Important Dates
First paper submission deadline: 15 September, 2009. Notification of acceptance for second review process: 15 November, 2009. Submission of reworked papers: 15 February, 2010. Notification of final acceptance: 15 April, 2010.

Editors and Notes
All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please go to Online Submissions of Papers ( If you experience any problems submitting your paper online, please contact submissions at, describing the exact problem you experience. Please include in your email the title of the Special Issue, the title of the journal and the name of the Guest editors.
Bjørn Willy Åmo
Bodø Graduate School of Business
8049 Bodø
Email:bjoern.willy.aamo at

Niels S. Bosma
Utrecht University
Urban & Regional research centre Utrecht
Box 80115
NL-3508 TC, Utrecht
The Netherlands
Email: n.bosma at

E-mail: editorial at

More info at

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