CFP: Value Creation, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Gobal Economies (JAPB)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Jul 7 10:17:20 MESZ 2009

Call for Papers
Journal of Asia-Pacific Business
Deadline: September 30, 2009
Issue Date: December 31, 2009
Social innovation can be described as the commercialization of new products and services for a social cause such as eradication of poverty, hunger, sexually transmitted diseases, and education. While theoretical frameworks have abounded in academia, practitioners have had much difficulty implementing them. As a result, many large corporations have adopted a philanthropy agenda within the narrow definition of corporate citizenship, or a sustainability agenda focused on environmental stewardship. However, these types of social initiatives by companies have traditionally been treated as add-on costs to the main business model of economic profit maximization.

Today, a new hybrid business model has emerged for value creation that wholly integrates the social and environmental dimensions into their value creation process. Social innovators-those entrepreneurs who have deliberately set as their target the creation and implementation of novel goods and services with a social conscience - have been largely responsible for this change in how value creation is perceived. Among this set of individuals is Bill Gates, whose Gates Foundation provides millions of dollars in financial grants to social causes, and Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank's founder, who created micro-loan financing programs that have revolutionized grassroots communities in developing countries. Other social innovators such as Jorgen Phillip Sorenson, whose company, Ecover, has become the largest producer of environmentally friendly detergent products, and Amy Smith, the MIT based founder of D-Labs, who is currently working on clean water projects in developing countries, have also turned the traditional for-profit business model on its head by showing that it is possible to both be good and do well.

Although such business world examples are increasingly observed in the global economy, the academic literature has had no discourse on the topic of social innovation. The provenance of social innovation, especially the role of social entrepreneurs, institutions, networks, and geographic clusters is still unclear.

The goal of this special issue is look into how theory can inform practice and what lessons are to be learned from practice on value creation through social innovation.

We are interested in high quality articles that look into topics related to and including:

1. Leadership in social innovation in multinationals (e.g. transactional versus transformational leadership styles that drive social innovation processes and activities).
2. Types of organizational learning processes involved in social innovation (e.g. whether there a tension between exploration or exploitation processes or whether these are complementary processes).
3. The ways in which diffusion of social innovation differs, if at all, from other innovation diffusion models.
4. The emergence of regional and global de-facto standards in social innovation.
5. The roles of social networks, institutions, and clusters in the diffusion of social innovation goods and services, and the role, if any, that the investment community plays in the identification of social innovation opportunities.
6. The types of public-private partnerships that exist for the development of social innovation projects across international borders.
7. The regional differences, if any, which explain the origins of social innovation, and whether national systems of social innovation exist.
8. The role that institutional mechanisms such as, status, reputation, symbols, and stories play in the development of organizational norms and routines for social innovation intra- and entrepreneurship.
9. The competition, if any, between the different business models for key resources, the ways these new hybrid business models protect and appropriate rents from their scarce resources, and how they sustain competitive advantage.
10. Issues related to the role of culture in social innovation.

Both quantitative and qualitative studies are encouraged although purely descriptive studies or industries profiles are discouraged. The editors would welcome cross-disciplinary studies that make a contribution toward theory building and practice.

Papers for consideration for publication in this special issue should be submitted by email by September 30, 2009. Papers should be no more than 20 pages double-spaced, with full citation of sources using the APA style. Papers should not have been previously published nor be under consideration elsewhere. All submissions will be subject to a double-blind peer review.

To receive instructions for authors and to submit your work contact:
Cyd Craddock
Managing Editor, Journal of Asia-Pacific Business
japbsubm at
*Include "Munshi Special Issue" in the subject line for all correspondence
Both quantitative and qualitative studies are encouraged although purely descriptive studies or industries profiles are discouraged. The editors would welcome cross-disciplinary studies that make a contribution toward theory building and practice.

Papers for consideration for publication in this special issue should be submitted by email by September 30, 2009. Papers should be no more than 20 pages double-spaced, with full citation of sources using the APA style. Papers should not have been previously published nor be under consideration elsewhere. All submissions will be subject to a double-blind peer review.

To receive instructions for authors and to submit your work contact:
Cyd Craddock
Managing Editor, Journal of Asia-Pacific Business
japbsubm at
*Include "Munshi Special Issue" in the subject line for all correspondence
Contact Info:   	NATASHA MUNSHI
phone: 3017047911
email address: natasha.munshi at

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