MULTIPLE RESPONSES (2): Sample of PhD application research proposal

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed May 27 17:15:00 CEST 2009


From: Dr Bruce Johnstone [mailto:bruce at] 
Date: Mon 25 May 2009 14:19

Hi Anthony

I suspect that really no two proposals will be very alike. PhD research
projects are all rather unique.  Bolaji is right - you should find a
supportive potential supervisor first and seek guidance from them.  I
imagine most universities will have their own official form or template for
PhD proposals. You will need to meet the requirements of the institution you
are applying to, demonstrate that you have identified a topic that is
likely to be viable i.e. can be supervised, for which data is available,
that builds on current work and can make a worthwhile contribution.  You
will also most importantly need to seem like a good keen candidate.
Probably most PhD candidates that get accepted never finish and the
university will be looking for a good prospect who will stay the distance.

You may have a unique opportunity to align your research with your work at
the Scottish Institute for Enterprise - assuming you are planning a
part-time PhD.  I suggest you make the most of this as you must have great
access to data.  Consider early if you want to take a mainly quantitative or
mainly qualitative approach and select potential supervisors accordingly.  I
personally think you may be in a great position to gather qualitative data
or consider participatory ethnographic methods, action research -
practitioner research and the like - but then you may be a numeric data
person.   Taking an advanced paper in the research methodology of your
choice at the university of your choice may be a good starting point.  You
will engage with potential supervisors, show that you are serious and
benefit from some guidance as you work on the methodology for your proposal.

Good luck! Please let us all know what direction you take. There may be a
potential supervisor lurking on this list.

Best regards

Bruce Johnstone
PhD, MBA, BBc, FNZIM, M Inst D. 
PARNELL Group Ltd.
PO Box 37998, Parnell. Auckland, New Zealand, 1151.
DDI: +64 (0) 9 909 6011  f: +64 (0) 9 909 6094
m: +64 (0) 21 669 646  im: bruce_johnstone (Skype)
e: bruce at w:


From: burnett hermina [mailto:herminaburnett at] 
Date: Tue 26 May 2009 15:54

Hi there, does anyone have a DBA or PhD  proposal template? I would love one. I am actually about to spervise and am not sure where to start as I never used a templsate when I did my PhD, regards, Hermina
Hermina Burnett
35B Renwick St.
South Perth, 6151
WA, Australia

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