ANNOUNCE: Sprott School of Business - Carleton University

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue May 19 17:14:51 CEST 2009

PhD Symposium 2010

7th Annual Sprott Doctoral Symposium April 15-16, 2009 Ottawa Ontario The Sprott School of Business at Carleton University invites business and management doctoral students, regardless of their area of specialization, to participate in the Annual Sprott Doctoral Symposium.


* to engage students in a fruitful exchange of ideas on their ongoing research work,
* to expose students to the research of their peers,
* and to critique and reflect on the work of others and their own.

In line with the Sprott doctoral program, which focuses on the study of complex management problems in an interdisciplinary context, the symposium builds its foundation on cross-disciplinary exchanges among participants. The symposium provides an opportunity for participants to interact with other students and established researchers in various areas of specialization.

In addition, since participants will be educating future generations of business students and contributing to the development, production, and transfer of knowledge, the Sprott Doctoral Symposium aims to contribute not only by exposing them to the breadth of the ongoing research of their peers but also by planting the seeds for research linkages, life-long friendships, and enhanced networking in order to strengthen long-term, cross-disciplinary inter-institutional research collaborations, and information sharing.

More info at

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