REMINDER: Technology-Based Entrepreneurship in Europe (IJTE)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Apr 20 08:32:24 CEST 2009

Call For Papers - International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship
Special Issue on: "Technology-Based Entrepreneurship in Europe"
Guest Editor: Vanessa Ratten, Duquesne University, USA
Deadline: 30 April, 2009

Europe is a region of diverse countries, cultures and technologies. Due
to this diversity, it is interesting to examine how technology-based
entrepreneurship exists in Europe and what kind of innovations and
knowledge developments are occurring in the European context. As
technology-based entrepreneurship involves the creation of new ventures
based on technological innovations, it is useful to examine what types
of technology-based entrepreneurial ideas exist in Europe.

Subject Coverage

Examples of possible topics that can be addressed in this special
journal issue include, but are not limited to:

* Environmental effects of technology firms in Europe
* Globalisation of European innovations in the technology sector
* Alliances, clusters and networks in European technology-based
* Regional agglomeration of technology-based firms in Europe
* Strategy in technology-based firms in Europe
* European biotechnology
* European policy in technology-based firms
* Research and development in European technology intensive sectors

Editors and Notes

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an
e-mail (details in Author Guidelines) to the following:

Vanessa Ratten
Assistant Professor
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA 15282
Email: vanessaratten at

with a copy to:

Editorial Office
E-mail: editorial at

Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the
title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editor.

More info at

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