REQUEST: Thinking about the future of entrepreneurship research...

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Feb 24 16:55:55 CET 2009

From: Christopher Hastings [mailto:hastingscj at] 
Date: Mon 23 Feb 2009 17:19

As a young scholar, I've often wondered what those more experienced were thinking about the direction that entrepreneurship studies is taking. The only places I really know to find that answer is by buying their latest books or by examining the 'further research' section in some of the more interesting articles. 

In Dec 2006, the Frontiers and Trends in Entrepreneurship journal published a series of articles from the prestigious list of FSF-Nutek award winners describing where they thought the field was headed. I enjoyed reading what the likes of Zoltan Acs, David Audretsch, and Howard Aldrich are thinking, and thought some of you may have other suggestions for thoughtful pieces as well. 

As a side note, the FSF-Nutek award was recently renamed as the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research and doubled the prize money to 100,000 Euros. Now we have even more incentive to be producing good work!  

Additionally, for all those that participated in his doctoral consortium, Scott Shane is the most recent recipient of the award. 

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts, 


Christopher J. Hastings
hastingscj at
(832) 646-9875

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