CFP: Entrepreneurial Marketing (JSBE & ICSB 2009)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Jan 26 13:16:28 CET 2009

From: Sascha Kraus [mailto:sascha.kraus at] 
Date: Fri 23 Jan 2009 09:57

Call for Paper/Abstracts (1-2 pages)
for the 
ICSB 2009 (Seoul, South Korea) Panel Session on 


+ publication in the Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (JSBE)
(Extended Deadline: February 21, 2009)

Entrepreneurial Marketing, i.e. the interface of the two research fields /entrepreneurship/ and /marketing/, is a scholarly concept that continues to blossom. The quantity and quality of related research and writing is increasing, and theoretical as well as empirical works are expanding the frontiers of knowledge (Collinson & Shaw, 2001). Until recently, the two fields had long been regarded as two entirely independent scholarly domains (Hills & Hultman, 2006). However, research at the interface of marketing and entrepreneurship seeks to bring the two disciplines together, treating them as one (Carson et al., 1995), with some researchers speaking of the emergence of a new paradigm (Collinson, 2002). 

Several overlaps between these two disciplines could have been identified. Successful entrepreneurs practice marketing, and the better marketers are entrepreneurial (Day et al., 1998). Several entrepreneurial activities, e.g. the identification of new opportunities, the application of innovative techniques, the commercialisation of products, or the successful satisfaction of customer needs, are also fundamental aspects of marketing theory (Collinson & Shaw, 2001). 

Empirical evidence suggests that a significant relationship exists between an enterprise's marketing and entrepreneurial orientations, both of which directly impact organisational success. A growing body of literature has focused on the role of marketing in SMEs, although some scholars have also addressed the application of entrepreneurial concepts to the marketing side of an enterprise - regardless of organisation size or age. In these cases, attempts have been made to transfer entrepreneurial concepts to marketing concepts, such as marketing strategy, product development, sales, or buyer behaviour. Many entrepreneurial activities, such as the identification of new opportunities, the application of innovative techniques, the commercialisation of products, and the satisfaction of customer needs in the chosen target market are also elementary aspects of marketing theory. On the other hand, many researchers have tried to apply marketing ideas to new enterprises. Without doubt, marketing plays a crucial role not only in developing, producing, and selling products or services, but also in guiding recruiting efforts and raising capital. However, it can be concluded that successful entrepreneurs undertake marketing in unconventional ways. Entrepreneurial firms in fact often exhibit marketing behaviour which is very different to classic textbook approaches (Hills et al., 2009). Entrepreneurial marketing often relies on interactive marketing methods often communicated through word-of-mouth rather than a more traditional marketing mix; monitoring the marketplace through informal networks rather than formalised market research, and generally adopting more entrepreneurial approaches to marketing activities. 

Nevertheless, research findings on the interrelation between marketing and entrepreneurship are extremely fragmented so far, and there is no integrated analysis or comprehensive theory yet (Kraus et al., 2009). This special issue therefore aims at contributing to the theory building of entrepreneurial marketing. 

The authors of the best papers of this panel session will receive the opportunity to publish in special issue of the "Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship" (JSBE).

We encourage researchers to present their ideas and concepts on the theoretical foundation and the empirically induced design of entrepreneurial marketing. Innovative work that challenges mainstream literature is welcome. 
Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:

· Novel, innovative, risk-taking and proactive ways of marketing in new or established enterprises (such as buzz marketing, guerrilla marketing, viral marketing, internet marketing, public relations etc.) 
· Similarities, differences and interfaces of marketing and entrepreneurship 
· Marketing for start-ups and new ventures 
· Entrepreneurial advertising, pricing etc. 
· Relationship marketing 
· Leveraging limited marketing recourses 
· Identifying and evaluating marketing opportunities 
· Optimizing marketing/sales tools for an entrepreneurial setting 

Abstracts on empirical work must include information on the relevant theories being tested, methodology, data, and (expected) results. Papers will be judged on significance, originality, relevance, and clarity. 

*Submission procedure:* 

Please send your 1-2 pages abstract (max. 500 words, double-spaces, Times New Roman 12) as Word 2003/XP (.doc) attachment to: sascha.kraus at 
(No Word 2007/Vista/.docx documents, please)

*Submission Deadline (extended): February 21, 2009.* 


Dr. Sascha Kraus 
University of Liechtenstein 
sascha.kraus at

Dr. Michèle O'Dwyer 
University of Limerick, Ireland 
Michele.ODwyer at

Professor Audrey Gilmore 
University of Ulster, UK 
aj.gilmore at 

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