MULTIPLE RESPONSES II: Definition / Measurement of successful entrepreneur

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Jan 20 12:55:25 CET 2009

-----Response 1-----

From: Christopher Beetseh [ MTN - Abuja ] [mailto:Christb at] 
Date: Mon 19 Jan 2009 19:03

Dear Putri,

In my country Nigeria, a lot of emphasis is placed on rate and size of
growth of the business: 
-Rate; having to do with time, how fast the business has grown and 
-Size; having to do with number of employees vis-avis output and
efficiency of delivery i.e meeting the demands of customers.

Christopher Beetseh
Regional Head, SAQ
Capital programmes group
MTN Abuja

-----Response 2-----

From: Kourtit, K. (Karima) [mailto:kkourtit at] 
Date: Mon 19 Jan 2009 19:17

Dear Putri,
Please take a look at:
1. Andre de Waal---> HPOs (High Performance Organizations)
2. Strategic Performance Management
3. Norton and Kaplan (BSC)
4. Good to Great of Jim Collins
Karima Kourtit
drs. Karima Kourtit MBA
(Researcher/Ph.D. Candidate)
VU University Amsterdam
Department of Spatial Economics
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam 
The Netherlands
E-mail: kkourtit at
 Tel.: 020 - 598 6090 
Roomnr.: 4A-33

-----Response 3-----

From: Bolaji Akinyemi [mailto:bolaji_akinyemi at] 
Date: Mon 19 Jan 2009 20:16

I think this book should be of help:
Measuring Entrepreneurship
Building a Statistical System
Series: International Studies in Entrepreneurship , Vol. 16 
Congregado, Emilio (Ed.) 
2008, XVI, 338 p., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-387-72287-0
Online version available

-----Response 4-----

From: Wade Lovell [mailto:wadelovell at] 
Date: Tue 20 Jan 2009 05:20

That is an excellent observation. I like the inclusion of a job creation 
criterion. However, isn't an independent plumber who is able to provide 
for his family successful even though he remains the only plumber in the 

I appreciate you took my point that it is up to you to define 
"successful entrepreneur" but that I would be willing to comment on your 

Have you considered whether it is important that the company survive the 
founding entrepreneur?

Food for thought. I think the most successful entrepreneur I know 
personally is Irwin Jacobs, Chairman of Qualcomm. Was Irwin a successful 
entrepreneur while he was at Linkabit?


-----Response 5-----

From: Duncan Levinsohn [mailto:Duncan.Levinsohn at] 
Date: Tue 20 Jan 2009 10:21

Van Praag and Versloot (2007) suggest that economically, entrepreneurs are successful (i.e.: they contribute) in the areas of:
- employment generation and dynamics (this would mirror Lindelihle's comment)
- innovation
- productivity and growth
Good luck!

Duncan Levinsohn
PhD Candidate
Jönköping International Business School
Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Management
Box 1026, 
SE-551 11 Jönköping
Telephone: +46-36-10 18 20 
Cellphone:  +46-761-16 33 00
E-mail:      duncan.levinsohn at

-----Response 6-----

From: Fanny Quagrainie [mailto:amafanny at] 
Date: Tue 20 Ja 2009 12:31

Hello Putri,  
>From my research and observation I will define a successful entrepreneur is one who creates a sustainable enterprise over time.  Such enterprises should grow and impact positively on both its workers and the society as a whole.

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