CFP: 2009 UIC Marketing and Entrepreneurship Research Symposium

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Jan 16 14:07:34 CET 2009

*UIC Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship 2009
6-7 August, Chicago, Illinois
Proposals due March 15, 2009*

Distinguished researchers from around the world present new discoveries
and ideas about marketing in entrepreneur-led businesses and new
ventures, teaching innovations and discuss the impact of the latest
technologies on marketing and entrepreneurship. UIC also publishes a
book containing the top academic papers presented at the conference
every year and many papers go on to be published in leading
entrepreneurship and marketing journals. For information on purchasing
proceedings, please visit

Additional illustrative topics to be covered include, but are not
limited to: opportunity recognition, entrepreneurial marketing,
innovation and creativity in SMEs, teaching at the interface,
relationship between market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and
learning orientation, among others.

Please submit a 2-page paper summary/proposal to Laurel Ofstein -
lofste2 at (cc. gehills at by March 15, 2009. Or fax it to:
(312) 413-1265.

Early registration is due by May 1st, 2009.
Completed papers are due by May 15th, 2009.

Information will be available on the web at

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