TOC: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development Vol. 20 #6

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Nov 27 13:52:32 CET 2008

Table of Contents - Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 
Volume 20 Issue 6 2008-11-27

Special Issue: The Governance of Cross-locality Networks as a Determinant of Local Economic Development

Editorial: The governance of cross-locality networks as a determinant of local economic development
Pages 489-492

The internationalisation of production systems: embeddedness, openness and governance
Pages 493-515
Lisa De Propris, Stefano Menghinello and Roger Sugden

District internationalisation and trans-local development
Pages 517-532
Marco Bellandi and Annalisa Caloffi

Knowledge networks in local and global space
Pages 533-545
Anne Lorentzen

Cooperation and competition in network governance: regional networks in a globalised economy
Pages 547-560
Klaus Semlinger

Networking: a question of firm characteristics? The case of the Shannon region in Ireland
Pages 561-580
B. Andreosso-O'Callaghan and Helena Lenihan

Local knowledge domains and the role of MNE affiliates in bridging and complementing a cluster's knowledge
Pages 581-598
José-Luis Hervás-Oliver and José Albors-Garrigós

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