RESPONSE: Info about Social Entrepreneurship

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Nov 21 08:47:26 CET 2008

From: Heather 2 Douglas [mailto:Heather.Douglas at] 
Date: Thu 20 Nov 2008 23:30

Dear Florian
I would be very interested to have such a group to share ideas.

I have been studying with Gillian Sullivan Mort at Griffith University in Australia. I work from a sociological perspective, and have extensive personal experience in SE. 

I am about to take up a position at RMIT in Melbourne - 3 researchers there study SE. I know Jo Barrakat at the Centre of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies at QUT in Brisbane also researches SE. She is a sociologist. 

I would be interested to hear of others who responded to your e-mail

Heather Douglas MSWAP MBA PhD Candidate
School of Management, RMIT
Melbourne, Australia
e-mail: 2innovate at 

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