POSITIONS: Lancaster University

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Wed Aug 27 15:32:09 MESZ 2008

Positions - Lancaster University

The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise development is seeking
to appoint two full-time lecturers in entrepreneurship. One of these
positions will have a specific emphasis on aligning research with the
business engagement activity of the department. You will be expected to
contribute to a regional research agenda, drawing upon and integrating
with existing and future outreach and partnership activity within the
Institute, with a view to engaging with and influencing policy making.

Established in 2003, on the strength of a number of years engagement
with the business community, the Institute for Entrepreneurship and
Enterprise Development (IEED) lies within Lancaster University's 6*
Management School. Teaching spans undergraduate, post graduate and post
experience provision across the Management School. The department is
widely recognised for engaging business practitioners in the design and
delivery of courses, and prize winning innovative teaching methods. The
department's core research areas include entrepreneurial learning,
innovation, networks, social enterprise, franchising and family
business. The research profile has been strengthened through the
attraction of significant funding from European and regional funding
agencies and research councils. IEED prides itself on having an ongoing
commitment to business engagement. Research, teaching and business
partnership activities are aligned and teaching is informed through the
close relationship between research output and business engagement work.

Further activities are described in full at:


Informal discussions can be held with:

Ellie Hamilton e.hamilton at lancaster.ac.uk

To apply or request further information online, please visit
Alternatively you may telephone Human Resources, quoting reference A087
on 01524 846549 (answerphone).

Disability Interview Promise

We promise to interview all disabled applicants who meet the essential
criteria for the post and consider them on their abilities.

Disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act as a physical
or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term (at least 12
months) effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day

More info at

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