CFP: Renessaince and Renewal of Work, Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurial Careers ( Track at EURAM 2009)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Aug 7 09:16:20 MESZ 2008

The 9th European Academy of Management Conference, EURAM 2009 will be organized on 11-14 May 2009 in Liverpool, UK. Refer to the conference website for full details:

This is a call for papers for the track: Renessaince and Renewal of Work, Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurial Careers

In general, entrepreneurship is understood as something completely different from waged work and entrepreneurs are depicted to differ from wage workers. Lately a new perspective on entrepreneurship, namely perceiving entrepreneurship from the career and life course perspective, has drawn more attention. The emergence of a 'boundaryless career' where individuals accumulate skill and personal reputation as key career resources by frequent movements between firms and in and out of self-employment and job opportunities that extend over a single employment setting have been suggested. This opens up new avenues for entrepreneurship research.

The objectives of this track are to shed light to the role of entrepreneurship from the career perspective in different labour market contexts and during the life course, and to seek new knowledge on the fluid conditions between waged work and entrepreneurship. The track is open to theory-driven and empirical papers applying both quantitative and qualitative methods. Particular emphasis is given to  multidisciplinary approaches.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
* Conceptual development of risk, security and commitment attached to waged work and entrepreneurship
* Fluid conditions between waged work and entrepreneurship
* Career transitions between entrepreneurship and waged work and the reasons behind the career decisions
* Entrepreneurship as a career choice: individual career paths and 'mainstream' career paths within particular professions 
* Different forms of employment in the larger career and life course perspectives 
* New models for understanding the ways in which individuals combine the organising of work and other life spheres
* The role of part-time entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship as a hobby in the context of individual life-course and career
* Habitual entrepreneurship as a way of life 

The deadline for the full papers is 5 December 2008. Further information about the submission as well as the tracks can be found at: 
Please feel free to distribute this call to colleagues and co-workers that might be interested in the theme and topic. 

Further information is available from the chair and the co-organisers: 

Track Chair
Prof. Jarna Heinonen, Turku School of Economics, Finland, Jarna.Heinonen at

Prof Robert Blackburn, Kingston University, UK
Adjunct Prof. Ulla Hytti, Turku School of Economics, Finland, Ulla.Hytti at

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