CFP: Entrepreneurship & Family Business

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue May 6 16:02:19 MESZ 2008

Theme:  Entrepreneurship & Family Business
Volume 12 of Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth
Due date: June 30, 2008 (full paper)

Alex Stewart, Marquette University
G. Thomas Lumpkin, Texas Tech University
Jerome Katz, Saint Louis University

Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth provides an
annual examination of the major current research, theoretical, and
methodological efforts in the field of entrepreneurship, and its related
disciplines, as well as firm growth and emergence research. Advances
also publishes papers from other fields, such as business policy,
organizational behavior, or sociology which use entrepreneurial samples
or make a contribution to entrepreneurial theory or research.

Volume 12 will consider the timely issue of entrepreneurship and family
business. Of interest are papers which consider in depth the issues,
problems, contexts, or processes that make a family firm more
entrepreneurial. A representative, but by no means exhaustive, listing
of relevant topics includes: 

* The emergence and growth of family businesses; founding conditions
unique to family firms.
* Maintaining the entrepreneurial spirit of the founding generation.
* The role of family in corporate entrepreneurship.
* The use of entrepreneurial policies, practices and strategies by
family firms.
* Outcomes attributable to differences between more and less
entrepreneurial family firms
* Family firm versus non-family firm approaches to entrepreneurial
decision making.
* Entrepreneurial characteristics and practices across the generations
of a family firm.
* Entrepreneurship as an avenue to strategically renew family firms.\
* The allocation of family-based resources to entrepreneurial endeavors.

The papers in Advances reflect many state-of-the-art topics and
approaches, and are written by leading researches in the field, making
each volume an important source of information for virtually all
entrepreneurship researchers. The distinctive competence of research
volumes such as Advances is that the articles can be published without
page restrictions. This is done by providing greater detail in the
background, development, and implementation of ideas than is possible in
journal articles. This provides authors with the opportunity to fully
express their key ideas, provide much more complete support, and include
relevant multi-page appendices. In effect, the publication opportunity
in Advances permits authors to publish their "article of record" of
their major theoretical or empirical ideas, and see it disseminated to a
wide audience. Today, the series is in the libraries of virtually all of
the schools with active Ph.D. programs in entrepreneurship, as well as
the majority of AACSB accredited schools with MBA concentrations in
entrepreneurship and related fields. 

Please Note: In preparing manuscripts for submission, please conform to
the latest edition of the "Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association" (the same format used by ETP).  

We welcome the opportunity to discuss paper ideas with interested
researchers. Submissions to volume 12 of the Advances series will be
blind reviewed by peers.  Contact information for the editors: 

Alex Stewart, 414-288-7188, alex.stewart at; Tom Lumpkin,
806-742-2154, gtlumpkin at; and Jerry Katz, 314-977-3864,
katzja at 

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