RESPONSE: Impact of entrepreneurship on social development

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Apr 29 14:11:21 MESZ 2008

From: Debbi D. Brock [mailto:Debbi_Brock at] 
Date: Mon 28. April 2008 18:02

Attached is the 2007 core publications in social entrepreneurship that
Alex Nichols completed in 2007.  The 2008 version is in the Social
Entrepreneurship Teaching Resources Handbook.  Let me know if I can help




Prepared by Alex Nicholls
Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, University of Oxford

Aeron-Thomas, D., Nicholls, J., Forster, S., and Westall, A. (2003),
Social Return on Investment: Miracle or Manacle? London: New Economics

Alter, K., Shoemaker, P., Tuan, M., and Emerson, J. (2001), When is it
Time to Say Goodbye? Exit Strategies and Venture Philanthropy Funds,
California: Virtue Ventures

Alvord, S., Brown, L, Letts, C. (2004), 'Social Entrepreneurship and
Societal Transformation: an Exploratory Study', Journal of Applied
Behavioral Science, 40.3, pp.260-83

Amin A., Cameron A., and Hudson R. (2002), Placing the Social Economy,
London: Routledge
Austin, J. (2000) The Collaboration Challenge: How Non-Profits and
Businesses Succeed Through Strategic Alliances, San Francisco:

Austin, J., Reficco, E., Berger, G., Fischer, R., Gutierrez, R.,
Koljatic, M., Lozano, G., and Ogliastri, E. (2004), Social Partnering in
Latin America: Lessons Drawn from Collaborations of Businesses and Civil
Society Organizations, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press

Bernholz, L. (2004), Creating Philanthropic Capital Markets, Hoboken:
John Wiley

Bornstein, D. (2004), How To Change The World: Social Entrepreneurs and
the Power of New Ideas, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Borzaga, C. and Defourny, J. (2001), The Emergence of Social Enterprise,
New York: Routledge

Bradach, J. (2003), 'Going to Scale', Stanford Social Innovation Review,
Spring, pp.19-25

Bradley, B., Jansen, P., and Silverman, L. (2003), 'The Nonprofit
Sector's $100 Billion Opportunity', Harvard Business Review, May, pp.

Collins, J. (2005), Good to Great and the Social Sectors: A Monograph to
Accompany Good to Great, New York: Harper Collins 

Dart, R. (2004), 'The Legitimacy of Social Enterprise', Nonprofit
Management and Leadership, 14.4, p.411-24

Davis, L., Etchart, N., Jara, M., and Milder, B. (2003), Risky Business:
The Impacts of Merging Mission and Market, NESsT, Santiago, Chile 

Dees, J.G. (1994), Social Enterprise: Private Initiatives for Common
Good, Harvard: Harvard Business School Press

Dees, J.G., (1996), The Social Enterprise Spectrum: from Philanthropy to
Commerce, Harvard: Harvard Business School Press

Dees, J.G. (1998a), The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship. Available

Dees, J.G. (1998b), 'Enterprising Nonprofits', Harvard Business Review,
January-February, 76.1, pp.54-67

Dees, J.G. (2003), Social Entrepreneurship Is about Innovation and
Impact, Not Income, discussion paper on Social Edge. Available at:

Dees, J.G., and Battle Anderson, B. (2002), 'Blurring Sector Boundaries:
Serving Social Purposes Through For-Profit Structures', CASE Working
Paper Series, 2. Duke Fuqua School 

Dees, J., and Battle Anderson, B. (2003), 'For-Profit Social Ventures'
in Kourilsky, M., and Walstad, W. (eds.) International Journal of
Entrepreneurship Education: Special Edition: Social Entrepreneurship,
pp. 1-26, Senate Hall

Dees, J.G., Battle Anderson, B., Wei-Skillern, J. (2004), 'Scaling
Social Impact', Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring, pp.24-32

Dees, J.G., and Dolby, A. (1991), Sources of Financing for New Nonprofit
Ventures, Harvard: Harvard Business School, HBS 9-391-097 (revised 1996
by Elias, J.)

Dees, J.G. and Elias, J. (1998) 'The Challenges of Combining Social and
Commercial Enterprise', an essay on Norman Bowie's University-Business
Partnerships: an Assessment, Business Ethics Quarterly, 8.1, pp.1-17

Dees, J.G., Emerson, J. and Economy, P. (2001), Enterprising
Non-Profits: A Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurs, New York: Wiley
Non-Profit Series

Dees, J.G., Emerson, J. and Economy, P. (2002), Strategic Tools for
Social Entrepreneurs: Enhancing the Performance of Your Enterprising
Non-Profit, New York: Wiley Non-Profit Series

DiMaggio, P., and Anheier, H. (1990), 'The Sociology of Nonprofit
Organizations and Sectors', Annual Review of Sociology, 16, pp.137-59

Drayton, W., (2002), 'The Citizen Sector: Becoming as Entrepreneurial
and Competitive as Business', California Management Review, 44.3,

Drayton, W. (2005), 'Where the Real Power Lies', Alliance, 10.1,

Edwards, M. (2004), Civil Society, Cambridge: Polity Press

Eikenberry, A., and Kluver, J. (2004), 'The Marketization of the
Nonprofit Sector: Civil Society at Risk?', Public Administration Review,
64.2, pp.132-40

Emerson, J., (2003a) 'The Blended Value Proposition: Integrating Social
and Financial Returns', California Management Review, 45.4, pp.35-51

Emerson, J., (2003c), 'Where Money Meets Mission: Breaking Down the
Firewall Between Foundation Investments and Programming', Stanford
Social Innovation Review, Summer, pp. 38-47

Emerson, J., and Freundlich, T. (2007), Nothing Ventured, Skoll Centre
Working Paper

Foster, W., and Bradach, J. (2005), 'Should Nonprofits Seek Profits?',
Harvard Business Review, February, pp.92-100

Harding, R. (2004), 'Social Enterprise: the New economic Engine?',
Business Strategy Review, 15.4, pp. 39-43

Harding, R., and Cowling, M. (2006), Social Entrepreneurship Monitor:
United Kingdom 2006. London: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

Leadbeater, C. (1997), The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur, London:

LeGrand, J., and Bartlett, W. (eds.) (1993), Quasi-Markets and Social
Policy, Palgrave Macmillan

Letts, C., and Ryan, W., and Grossman, A., (1997), 'Virtuous Capital:
What Foundations Can Learn From Venture Capital', Harvard Business
Review, March-April, pp.36-44

Mair, J., Seelos, C., and Borwankar, A. (2004), 'Social Entrepreneurial
Initiatives Within the Sustainable Development Landscape', International
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2.4, pp.1-14

Mair, J., and Seelos, C. (2005), 'Social Entrepreneurship: Creating New
Business Models to Serve the Poor', Business Horizons, 48.3, May-June,
pp. 241-6

Mair, J., Robinson, J., and Hockerts, K. (2006), Social
Entrepreneurship, Palgrave MacMillan

Mosher-Williams, R. (2007), Research on Social Entrepreneurship:
Understanding and Contributing to an Emerging Field, ARNOVA 

Mulgan. G. (2006), Social Innovation, The Young Foundation

Nicholls, A. (2004), 'Social Entrepreneurship: The Emerging Landscape'
in Crainer, S., and Dearlove, D. (eds), Financial Times Handbook of
Management (Third Edition), pp.636-43, Harlow: FT Prentice Hall

Nicholls A (2006), 'Social Entrepreneurship' in Jones-Evans, D., and
Carter, S. (eds.), Enterprise and Small Business: Principles, Practice
and Policy (Second Edition), (forthcoming), Harlow: FT Prentice Hall

Nicholls, A. (ed) (2006), Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of
Sustainable Social Change, Oxford University Press

Nicholls, A., and Pharoah, C. (2007), The Landscape of Social Finance,
Skoll Centre Working Paper

Nicholls, J. (2004), Social Return on Investment: Valuing What Matters,
London: New Economics Foundation

Nyssens, M. (ed), Social Enterprise, Routledge

Paton, R. (2003), Managing and Measuring Social Enterprises, London:

Perrini, F. (2007),  The New Social Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgars

Powell, W. (ed) (1987), The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, Yale

Salamon, L., and Anheier, H. (1999), The Emerging Sector Revisited,
Baltimore: John Hopkins University

Seelos, C., and Mair, J. (2005), 'Social entrepreneurship: creating new
business models to serve the poor', Business Horizons, 48, pp.241-46

Spear, R., and Bidet, E. (2003), The Role of Social Enterprise in
European Labour Markets, EMES Working Papers Series 3/10

Sullivan Mort G., Weerawardena J., and Carnegie K. (2003), 'Social
entrepreneurship: Towards conceptualisation', International Journal of
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 8.1, pp.76-88

Thekaekara. S., and Thekaekara, M. (2007), Social Justice and Social
Entrepreneurship, Skoll Centre Working Papers

Thompson, J., Alvy, G., and Lees, A. (2000), 'Social Entrepreneurship -
a New Look at the People and the Potential', Management Decision, 38.5,

Thompson, J. (2002), 'The World of the Social Entrepreneur',
International Journal of Public Sector Management, 15.5, pp.412-31

Tracey, P., and Jarvis (2006), 'An Enterprising Failure: Why a Promising
Social Franchise Collapsed', Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring

Weisbrod, B., (2004), 'Pitfalls of Profit', Stanford Social Innovation
Review, Winter, pp.40-7

-----Original Message-----
From: entrepreneurship-phd-bounces at
[mailto:entrepreneurship-phd-bounces at] On Behalf Of
entrepreneurship-phd at
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 3:27 AM
To: entrepreneurship-phd at
Subject: RESPONSE: Impact of entrepreneurship on social development

From: Avron Olshewsky [mailto:avrono at]
Date: Fri 25 April 2008 21:11


I am looking at social entrepreneurship to some extent, if that is what
you are refering too. That is entrepreneurship which has social
responsibilty as a requirement as opposed to profit maximization.
We can discuss further if you wish, have a look at

    * Austin J, Stevenson H, Wei-Skillern J, ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY and
      PRACTICE, January 2006,Social and Commercial Entrepreneurship:
      Same, different, or Both?


*** Avron Olshewsky
*** Skype : Avrono
*** MSN: avrono at
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*** (UK numbers will ring me if online OR leave a voicemail)
*** Mobile/Cell Brazil  : +55 (0)21 9470 5044
*** Home/Ofice Brazil   : +55 (0)21 21133 773

entrepreneurship-phd at wrote:
> From: Gcabashe, Lindelihle [mailto:lindelihleg at]
> Date: Tue 22. April 2008 15:09
> Dear Colleagues
> I am doing a PhD with the University of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa.
> This is a full research study. I have developed a proposal, and I want
> to be assisted with strengthening my theoretical framework. From the
> previous studies, it is apparent that entrepreneurship is a new
> discipline in our country. Hence, there is a scarcity of the material
> one can refer to so that the study in question will be informed.
> My research is trying to investigate the impact of entrepreneurship
> towards social development. This is a comparative study looking at the
> programmes and services that are aimed at promoting entrepreneurship
> the communities both in rural and urban areas.
> I need to be linked to other scholars who are interested in this
> or who have done some research on it. I will also appreciate if I can
> exposed to some literature that is relevant.
> Your assistance will be much appreciated.
> Lindelihle N Gcabashe
> Senior Productivity Advisor
> Cellphone 073 202 3226
> Direct Telephone +27 (031) 268 9785
> Email address: lindelihleg at
> Suite 201, Cowey Park
> 91 - 123 Cowey Road, Essenwood, South Africa
> PO Box 47600, Greyville, 4023, South Africa
> Telephone +27 (031) 268 9770
> Facsimile +27 (031) 268 9777
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