CFP: Social Responsibility, Philanthropy and Entrepreneurship in the Sports Industry (JMO)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Apr 23 15:59:25 MESZ 2008

From: Vanessa Ratten [mailto:vanessaratten at] 
Date: Fri, 18. April 2008 01:25

Call for Papers - Journal of Management and Organization
Social Responsibility, Philanthropy and Entrepreneurship in the Sports
Deadline for Papers: 30th March 2009

Edited by: 
Vanessa Ratten, Duquesne University 
Kathy Babiak, University of Michigan 
INDEXED IN: Thomson ISI Science Citation Index/Social Sciences 

The Journal of Management and Organization is currently seeking academic
papers for this Special Issue. The purpose of which is to focus on how
social responsibility, philanthropy and entrepreneurship can more
generally inform our understanding of management and organizations in
the sporting industry. Submitted papers for this special issue should
focus on the contribution of research to management and organization
studies. Many corporations are now shifting from a traditional charity
perspective to a strategic corporate social responsibility perspective
in which there is an attempt to integrate business operations with
corporate donations (Dean, 2002; Porter & Kramer, 2006). The area of
social responsibility, philanthropy and entrepreneurship in sports
remains a relatively unexplored research area (McAlister & Ferrell,
2002). Corporate social responsibility occurs as "corporations possess
the power to control and influence the quality of life of employees,
customers, shareholders and residents of local communities in which they
operate" (Pava & Krausz, 1997:337). Social responsibility and
philanthropy have gained in significance for businesses worldwide but
particularly for those in the sports industry. Sporting organizations
are now focusing on efforts to increase their philanthropy through being
better social enterprises. By utilizing entrepreneurship, businesses in
the sports industry such as the National Basketball Association and
Australian Football League have increased their efforts to be seen as
caring organizations that help the community. In this special issue we
define entrepreneurship as when an individual or organization tries to
be proactive, innovative and risk taking (Holt, Rutherford & Clohessy,
2007), particularly as they relate to a sport organization's socially
responsible or philanthropic endeavours. Social responsibility,
philanthropy and entrepreneurship offer direction to business leaders
who want to increase their company's social and economic performance
(Wolcott & Lippitz, 2007). The objective of this special issue is to
enhance the management and organization literature by examining issues
relating to social responsibility, philanthropy and entrepreneurship in
the sports industry. The aim of this special issue is to improve the
understanding of social responsibility, philanthropy and
entrepreneurship within a sport context. Consistent with the objectives
of the Journal of Management and Organization, we seek both conceptual
and empirical papers on how social responsibility, philanthropy and
entrepreneurship affect the sports industry. We welcome submissions from
authors internationally as well as Australia and New Zealand. Below are
listed some issues that we believe would fit well with this special

* The significance of social responsibility in the sports industry
* Challenges and opportunities of philanthropy in sport management
* Models of social responsibility, philanthropy and entrepreneurship
that have been adapted in sport
* Efforts to create and develop social responsibility, philanthropy and
entrepreneurship in sport
* Research agenda and theoretical frameworks that examine social
responsibility, philanthropy and entrepreneurship in sport
* Community initiatives and investment in sports and the influence of
philanthropy in developing sport management
* Community and economic development in sports and the impact this has
on sports-related businesses
* Business ethics and corporate governance in the sports industry
* Environmental and sustainable development in sports and how this has
impacted social responsibility
* Evaluation and measurement of corporate social responsibility and
* Global initiatives and financial accountability in sports

Manuscript submissions should observe the author guidelines at
<> . All papers submitted for
the special journal issue will undergo a double-blind peer review
process. Manuscripts must not be submitted to another journal while they
are under review by the Journal of Management and Organization nor
should they have been previously published. The special issue will
include 8-10 articles of approximately 8,000 words each and is expected
to be published in Journal of Management and Organization 16(2) (2010).

Manuscripts should be submitted no later than March 30, 2009 via e-mail
to either of the guest editors: 

Vanessa Ratten
A.J. Palumbo School of Business Administration 
Duquesne University 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 
vanessaratten at 

Kathy Babiak 
Sport Management Department 
University of Michigan 
Ann Arbor, Michigan 
kbabiak at

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