entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Tue Apr 22 13:39:19 MESZ 2008

WU WIEN - Full Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Deadline: 28.05.2008

Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, WU) invites applications for the position of Full Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Ref.no. 104450) Department of Strategic Management and Innovation Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien is the European Union's largest business university and is centrally located in the heart of Europe. The University maintains an excellent position as a center of research and teaching and draws an international group of students and faculty. It offers a broad range of subjects in business, economics, business law and business languages. Resources and facilities are highly attractive. The University is EQUIS accredited and is striving to achieve a top position among the leading European business universities. For details, please see www.wu-wien.ac.at. 

The new professor will be a member of the full-time senior faculty of the Department of Strategic Management and Innovation. With regard to teaching, the candidate will be expected to cover all aspects of entrepreneurship and innovation management. The Department is committed to a more quantitative approach to research, which often combines management theories with aspects of psychology and economics. Within the Department, the already existing Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation has a strong research record, an international focus and aims to further strengthen its position on the higher education market. In pursuit of this goal, the new professor will contribute his or her expertise and enhance the Department's profile, and will be expected to work closely with all members.

The successful candidate should have a strong background in empirical research and is expected to have established an outstanding publication record within the area of entrepreneurship and innovation. He or she will be an accomplished professional, who will cultivate an environment of excellence and collaboration to augment the Department's academic research and service endeavors, and will inspire and lead research initiatives with international impact. The successful candidate will be teaching in programs at all levels (Bachelor, MSc, PhD and Executive Education; including the existing specializations in entrepreneurship and innovation). Teaching experience in English is required. Non-German-speaking candidates are expected to acquire proficiency in German over a certain period of time. The candidate must have experience in acquiring and conducting third-party funded research projects as well as in translating research into practice.

For more detailed information regarding this position and required qualifications please contact the Head of the Search Committee Professor Nikolaus Franke by phone +43-1-31336-4582 or E-Mail nikolaus.franke at wu-wien.ac.at. Candidates should send their applications (curriculum vitae, list of publications, list of classes held, copies of five major publications, and a brief outline of how the candidate intends to strengthen the positioning of the department) to the Rector of Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Professor Christoph Badelt, Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Wien. Electronic applications can be sent to Nicole.Reinecke at wu-wien.ac.at. Applications need to reach WU by May 28th, 2008 The Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration is an Equal Opportunity Employer and seeks to increase the number of its female faculty members. Therefore, qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be given preference.

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