CFP: The Entrepreneurial Nature of Sports Marketinng (IJSMM)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Mar 5 14:35:56 CET 2008

From: rattenv at [mailto:rattenv at] 
Date: Wed 5 March 2008 13:43

Call for Papers
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM)
Special Issue on "The Entrepreneurial Nature of Sports Marketing"

Guest Editors

Vanessa Ratten, Duquesne University, United States
Maryellen Kelly, Duquesne University, United States
Dorene Ciletti, Duquesne University, United States

Sport is a billion dollar global industry. Globalization has presented
challenges and opportunities in sport, and in a complex, changing
environment, innovation and the way that advertisers market sports
through the internet may hold the key to success. While sports marketing
and entrepreneurship have not frequently crossed paths in academic
research, as competition for consumer dollars increases, innovative
marketing efforts must evolve to create competitive advantage for sports
organizations and deliver value to consumers. The aim of this special
issue is to advance a body of knowledge that relates entrepreneurial
innovation to sports marketing and team performance management.
Quantitative analyses, qualitative studies, conceptual or theoretical
research and cases studies are welcome. This special issue will focus on
entrepreneurial marketing and team performance management efforts in
sports, including, but not limited to, the following topics: 

Entrepreneurial approaches to marketing 
The role of entrepreneurship in marketing innovation and team
performance management 
Global marketing challenges and opportunities 
Entrepreneurial firms and marketing policies 
Sponsorship initiatives 
New media and marketing innovation 
The role of social networks 
Social capital and entrepreneurial marketing 
Innovative brand initiatives in teams 
The role of sport in marketing social change 
Ethics, social responsibility and sustainability 
The role of technological innovation in marketing 
Targeting and segmentation strategies in sports-based team management 
Relationship marketing initiatives 
Positioning and competitive advantage in sports teams 
Media relationships and marketing success 
Marketing metrics and assessment 
Sports marketing and entrepreneurship best practices in team performance

Manuscripts must be received by June 30th 2008. Please submit
manuscripts in a word-compatible format electronically to:
Vanessa Ratten
A.J. Palumbo School of Business Administration
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh PA 15282 USA
Email: rattenv at

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