REMINDER: Doctoral Seminar on Entrepreneurship, Deadline 31 March 2008

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Mar 3 17:22:22 CET 2008

From: René Mauer [mailto:mauer at] 
Date: Sat, 1. March 2008 01:38

Sorry for cross-postings:

2nd Doctoral Seminar on Entrepreneurship 

Time: Fri 13 June 2008 - Mon 16 June 2008 
Location: Fagerholm island in the Turku archipelago.

The first Doctoral Seminar on Entrepreneurship in Turku, Finland was organized as part of the ICSB World Conference in 2007. The 2nd Doctoral Seminar on Entrepreneurship will be organized in 2008. The main organizers are Turku School of Economics and Åbo Akademi University. The deadline for applications is 31 March 2008. 

Further information on the website:

...or through:

Ulla Hytti
Research Manager, D.Sc.(Bus.Adm. & Econ.), Adjunct Professor 
TSE Entre 
Turku School of Economics 
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, 20500 Turku
E-mail: Ulla.Hytti at
Tel. +358 2 4814 514 
Fax  +358 22 4814 393
TSE Entre - Leading entrepreneurship research! ~
  ~ NB: New name!

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