ANNOUNCE: Doctoral Seminar on Entrepreneurship, Turku archipelago, Finland, 13 - 16 June, 2008

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Jan 18 15:00:22 CET 2008

>From : René Mauer [mailto:mauer at] 
Date: Fri 18 Jan 2008 09:12

The first Doctoral Seminar on Entrepreneurship in Turku, Finland was organized as part of the ICSB World Conference in 2007. The 2nd Doctoral Seminar on Entrepreneurship will be organized in the Turku archipelago, Finland on 13-16 June 2008. The main organizers are Turku School of Economics and Åbo Akademi University. 

Programme: In the seminar Ph.D. Students will present their research proposals (not results from finished research). Research proposals presented will be discussed by senior researchers as well as by younger researchers experienced in the specific field of the research. 

Faculty: The internationally recognized faculty covering a broad range of topics and methodologies for the Doctoral Seminar includes Prof. Malin Brännback (Åbo Akademi, Finland), Adjunct Prof. Jarna Heinonen and Ulla Hytti (Turku School of Economics, Finland), Prof. Robert Blackburn (Kingston University, UK), Prof. Alan Carsrud (Florida International University, US) and Dr. Veronica Gustavsson (Jönköping International Business School, Sweden).

Application deadlines: Fill in the application form below by March 31 by e-mail to Katri.Suvanto at The students accepted for the Doctoral Seminar will be notified by April 15, and they will need to submit their full research plan by May 15. The maximum number of participants is 20 students. 

Costs: The cost of the seminar for the participants is 395 euros per person including full board and lodging in shared rooms as well as transportation from Turku to the Fagerholm island and back. 

Application to the Doctoral Seminar on Entrepreneurship 

Tel / Fax: 
University where enrolled a Doctoral Student: 
Name of the supervisor: 
(Working) title of the Doctoral Research: 
Methodological approach: 
Phase of the research project: 
A short summary of the aims, research problems and conducting the research project (about 500 words):

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