CFP: Corporate Entrepreneurship and Front End Innovation (IJEIM)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Dec 11 09:04:24 CET 2007

Call for Papers - International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management (IJEIM)
Special Issue on: "Corporate Entrepreneurship and Front End Innovation"
Deadline: 15 April 2008

Guest Editors: Prof. Dr Timo Pihkala and Prof. Dr. Vesa Harmaakorpi,
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

The aim of this special issue is to look into the intersection of
intra-organisational entrepreneurship and front end innovation
activities. Corporate entrepreneurship, i.e., intrapreneurship can be
defined as, e.g., entrepreneurship within an existing organisation,
referring to emergent behavioural intentions and behaviours of an
organisation that are related to departures from the customary.
(Antoncic & Hisrich, 2003). The understanding of corporate
entrepreneurship is likely to evolve well through the introduction of
new concepts such as the open innovation philosophy.

Open innovation philosophy is changing the innovation pattern in
organisations radically. The value added in innovation takes often place
outside the organisation, including the strong influence of customers.
Therefore, innovation emerges often in very practical contexts, leading
to rather "connect and develop" than "research and develop" innovation
activities (see e.g. Huston & Sakkab, 2006). Promoting the front end
innovation in these processes is suggested to be crucial for the success
of an organisation. The innovating actors of an organisation meet
totally new challenges in the new front end innovation environment.
Managing these challenges seems to show the way to success in the
process of modern "creative destruction".

Exploiting the philosophy of open innovation, intrapreneurship is likely
to play a key role in organisations. The current understanding of
intrapreneurship, organisational citizenship behaviour and
innovativeness suggests the importance of the weak links and personal
initiatives in promoting intra-organisational innovations. Thus,
practise-based innovation processes reflect the characteristics of
self-organising systems. The relationship between front end innovations
and organisational capabilities to carry out the innovative applications
into practise is however largely unknown. It is the objective of this
special issue to focus particularly on these intra-organisational
processes of renewal and innovativeness.

The objectives of this issue are to shed light to the organisational
demands of open innovation for the front end innovation management, and
to seek new knowledge on the management of intra-organisational renewal

Subject Coverage

Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:

* Conceptual development of the relationship between corporate
entrepreneurship and front-end innovation processes
* Supporting mechanisms for creativity and front end innovation
* New approaches towards shop floor innovation management
* Open innovation practices as examples of self-organising systems
* Practice-based innovation networks and the shop floor employees
* Management of new forms of customership and intrapreneurship
* Initiativeness and responsibility in intrapreneurial processes
* The role of corporate citizenship behaviour on the quality of
practise-based innovative activities 

Editors and Notes

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an
e-mail (details in Author Guidelines) to the following:

Prof. Dr Timo Pihkala
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Saimaankatu 11
15140 Lahti
E-mail: Timo.Pihkala at

Prof. Dr. Vesa Harmaakorpi
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Saimaankatu 11
15140 Lahti
E-mail: Vesa.Harmaakorpi at

with a copy to:

IEL Editorial Office
E-mail: ijeim at

More info at

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