POSITIONS: Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Italy

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Fri Dec 7 09:20:03 CET 2007


The Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Italy
(http://www.unicatt.it/ucsc_EV.htm), Department of Economics and
Business Administration Sciences (S.E.GEST.A.), is seeking applicants
for a two-year position of research assistant in 'entrepreneurship and
innovation in public research centers'.

The research assistant is expected to develop a comprehensive review of
extant international literature on entrepreneurship and innovation in
public research centers, research spin-off firms and academic spin-off
Intensive field research is also required in a small number of European
centers of excellence, in order to analyze in-depth the organizational
structures and the processes of successful public research centers.

Applicants should have a Degree in Management Sciences and documented
scientific research experience. Applicants should also be fluent in
Italian and English. A Ph.D. degree in Management Sciences is
particularly welcomed.

The complete call for applications is currently downloadable from the
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart's web-site - 'Concorsi' section

Deadline for the application is December 21st., 2007

Alternatively, the complete call can be requested to the project
coordinator, Prof. Alessandro Baroncelli
(alessandro.baroncelli at unicatt.it ), in which case the applicant's CV is
kindly requested. 

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