TOC: Small Business Economics Vol. 30 #1

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Mon Dec 3 16:53:54 CET 2007

Table of Contents - Small Business Economics
Volume 30 Issue 1 2008

How does new business formation affect regional development? Introduction to the special issue
Michael Fritsch
Page 1 - 14

The effect of new business formation on regional development over time: the case of Germany
Michael Fritsch, Pamela Mueller
Page 15 - 29

The impact of new firm formation on regional development in the Netherlands
André Stel, Kashifa Suddle
Page 31 - 47

Entrepreneurship, regional development and job creation: the case of Portugal
Rui Baptista, Vítor Escária, Paulo Madruga
Page 49 - 58

The effects of new firm formation on regional development over time: The case of Great Britain
Pamela Mueller, André Stel, David J. Storey
Page 59 - 71

New business formation and employment growth: some evidence for the Spanish manufacturing industry
Josep Maria Arauzo Carod, Daniel Liviano Solís, Mònica Martín Bofarull
Page 73 - 84

Employment effects of business dynamics: Mice, Gazelles and Elephants
Zoltan J. Acs, Pamela Mueller
Page 85 - 100

The Lag Structure of the Impact of Business Ownership on Economic Performance in OECD Countries
M.A. Carree, A.R. Thurik
Page 101 - 110

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