REMINDER: Entrepreneurship and religion, and the religious entrepreneur (IJEI)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Nov 5 15:51:47 CET 2007

Call for Papers - International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation (IJEI)
Special Issue: 'Entrepreneurship and religion, and the religious
Guest Editors: Sarah Drakopoulou Dodd and George Gotsis
Deadline: 30 November 2007

To make sense of the multilateral and complex interactions between
entrepreneurship and society requires examination of 'a wide range of
discourses between the social and the symbolic, the textual and the
discursive, the anthropological and the literary' (Steyaert and Katz,
2004, p 189). Religious spaces and discourses are, however, rarely
privileged in the study of entrepreneurship, in spite of their social
and symbolic power. This special issue will explore the religion-related
practices, processes, structures, norms, aspirations, demands,
discourses and ethical dilemmas that arise in contemporary
entrepreneurship. We invite both conceptual and empirical papers that
explore these issues, including the ways in which a range of religious
beliefs shape the context of entrepreneurial decision making, religious
influences in entrepreneurial networks, entrepreneurial identity
formation in terms of religion and culture, and the complex
relationships between the personal life world and its environment. The
emergence of religious enterprising selves, their implications for
entrepreneurial activities and organizational dynamics, the effects on
individual well-being and collective welfare, the transformation of
entrepreneurial policies, as well as the articulation of religious
entrepreneurial discourses that challenge the dominant narratives or
practices, are equally taken into consideration. We are especially keen
that the special issue will not be restricted to studies of

Themes may include:
* religious entrepreneurship;
* the religious entrepreneur;
* religion and identity;
* entrepreneurship as a vocation;
* culture and religion; and
* beyond the mundane - entrepreneurial fervour.

These are not exhaustive: any paper addressing the encompassing themes
of entrepreneurship and religion will be considered for publication.

Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2007

Papers should be sent electronically before the above date to the guest
editors (details below). Manuscripts should include the title of the
special issue both in the subject line of the e-mail and at the top of
the title page. Papers should be presented in accordance with the
journal submission requirements, which can be found at They should not exceed 8,000 words, and shorter
papers (5,000-7,000 words) will be preferred. All papers will be subject
to double blind peer review, following the journal's standard procedure.

The book publisher Edward Elgar has indicated interest in a book
deriving mainly from the papers submitted
in response to this call, should their quality and range prove
For further information and/or expressions of interest, contact: Sarah
Drakopoulou Dodd, ALBA,
Athinas Avenue and 2A Areos Street, 16671 Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece,
tel: +30 210 896 4531,
fax: +30 210 896 4737, e-mail: dodsarah at; or George Gotsis,
Dept of the History and
Philosophy of Science, University of Athens, University Campus, GR-15771
Ano Ilissia, Greece,
tel: +30 210 7275537, e-mail: ggotsis at

More info at

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