CFP: The Role of Public Venture Capital Financing Towards Creating New Entrepreneurial Businesses and Innovations (IJEIM)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Sep 17 08:43:32 CEST 2007

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
(IJEIM) Call For Papers
Special Issue on: "The Role of Public Venture Capital Financing Towards
Creating New Entrepreneurial Businesses and Innovations"
Deadline: 15 December 2007	

Guest Editors:
Dr. Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat, National Science and Technology Development
Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand
Professor Achara Chandrachai, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

There have long been problems which mean that entrepreneurial companies
are not able to raise all the capital they need and that good companies
are not getting funded. Therefore, governments in many countries have
tried to solve these problems by taking on the role of venture capital
investor to support entrepreneurial development and early stage
investments. The environment where there is a lack of private equity
financing has highlighted the need for public VC financing.

Currently, there is a growing search for capital (other than the
financing mechanisms offered by the typical banking system) among
entrepreneurial ventures. It would be valuable to understand the role of
the government acting as a major venture capitalist supporting
entrepreneurial businesses, with the aim to engender economic

In this special issue, we focus on the entrepreneurial management of VC
financing to help small innovative businesses develop products and bring
them to market. The issue brings together academics, practitioners,
researchers, and aims to deliver a reference edition for all those
interested in the entrepreneurial financing.

Subject Coverage

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Management of entrepreneurial financing to assist firms in the early
stages of development
* Financing innovations
* Venture capital to support innovation and growth
* Risk management to engender economic growth through entrepreneurship
* Policies to help entrepreneurs take advantage of emerging ventures and
establish new businesses
* Mechanisms for replicating the economic success of US Silicon Valley
* Alternative mechanisms to improve the venture capital industry, other
than bank finance

Important Dates

1-2 Page Abstract: 15 December 2007
Submission of Manuscripts: 15 June 2008
Notification to Authors: 15 July 2008
Final Versions Due: 15 October 2008

Editors and Notes

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an
e-mail (details in Author Guidelines) to the following:

Dr. Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat
National Science and Technology Development Agency
Ministry of Science and Technology
111 Thailand Science Park, Paholyothin Rd.
Klong 1,
Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120
Tel: (662) 564-7000
Fax: (662) 564-7003
E-mail: jarunee at

Professor Achara Chandrachai
Deputy Director, Technopreneur & Innovation Management Program
Faculty of Commerce & Accountancy
Chulalongkorn University
Phyathai Rd., Pathumwan
Bangkok 10330
Tel: (662) 218-5889, 081-497-1119
Fax: (662) 218-5765, (662) 218-5889
E-mail: chandrachai at, achandrachai at

with a copy to:

IEL Editorial Office
E-mail: ijeim at

Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the
title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editor

More info at

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