CFP: Entrepreneurial Marketing (IJEIM)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Tue Jul 10 09:40:37 CEST 2007

Call for Papers - International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Management  (IJEIM)
Special Issue on: "Entrepreneurial Marketing - The Interface between
Marketing and Entrepreneurship"
Deadline: 14 January 2008

Guest Editors:
Prof. Dr. Sascha Kraus, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schulte, Leuphana University, Germany

Entrepreneurial marketing is a term which is receiving increasing use.
It essentially encompasses two very distinct areas of management:
marketing and entrepreneurship. Several overlaps between these two
disciplines have recently become obvious. Empirical evidence suggests
that a significant relationship exists between an enterprise's marketing
and entrepreneurial orientations exists, both widely being responsible
for corporate success.

A notable amount of academic work towards this topic has been on the
role of marketing in SMEs, although some scholars have also addressed
the application of entrepreneurial thinking towards the marketing side
of an enterprise, regardless of whether it is a large, established, new
or young venture. In these cases, attempts have been made to transfer
entrepreneurial concepts to marketing concepts, such as marketing
strategy, product development, sales, or buyer behaviour. On the other
hand, many researchers have tried to apply marketing ideas to new
ventures. In addition, many entrepreneurial activities, like the
identification of new opportunities, the application of innovative
techniques, the conveyance of products to the marketplace, and
successfully meeting customer needs in the chosen target market, are
also elementary aspects of marketing theory.

Without doubt, marketing plays a crucial role not only in developing,
producing, and selling products or services, but also in guiding
recruiting efforts and raising capital. However, it can be stated that
successful entrepreneurs undertake marketing in unconventional ways.
They rely on interactive marketing methods often communicated through
word-of-mouth rather than a more traditional marketing mix. They monitor
the marketplace through informal networks rather than formalised market
research, and generally adopt more entrepreneurial approaches to
marketing activities. However, depending on the business model, a
sophisticated and formalised initial market research can be crucial for
a successful market entry.

Research findings on the interrelation between marketing and
entrepreneurship are extremely fragmented so far, and there is no
integrated analysis or comprehensive theory yet. This special issue
therefore aims at contributing to the theory building of entrepreneurial
marketing. Truly innovative research is appreciated. Papers can be
purely theoretical or theory-driven empirical work (quantitative or

Subject Coverage

Potential topic areas suitable for review articles include but are not
limited to:

* Similarities, differences and interfaces of marketing and
* Novel, innovative, risk-taking and proactive ways of marketing in new
or established enterprises (such as buzz marketing, guerrilla marketing,
viral marketing, internet marketing, public relations etc.)
* Marketing for start-ups and new ventures
* Strategic marketing (strategy, planning etc.) in start-ups and new
* Entrepreneurial pricing
* Entrepreneurial advertising
* Entrepreneurial marketing for hiring and retaining employees
* Entrepreneurial marketing for raising financial resources
* Dealing with uncertainties in new and growing ventures
* Initial market research
* Opportunity evaluation by market research
* Pre-market entry marketing
* Relationship marketing
* Leveraging limited marketing recourses
* Identifying and evaluating marketing opportunities
* Optimizing marketing/sales tools for an entrepreneurial setting

Editors and Notes

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an
e-mail (details in Author Guidelines) to the following:

Prof. Dr. Sascha Kraus
Department of Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship & Innovation
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
Urstein Sud 1
A-5412 Puch/Salzburg
Tel: +43 (0)50/2211-1104
E-mail: sascha.kraus at

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schulte
Leuphana University, Lueneburg
Institute of Business Administration
Endowed Chair for Entrepreneurship
Scharnhorststr. 1, UC 6.133, POB
21314 Lueneburg
Tel: +49 (0)4131/78-2164
E-mail: schulte at

with a copy to:

IEL Editorial Office
E-mail: ijeim at

Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the
title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editor.

More info at

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