POSITIONS: Funded full-time PhD Studentship in the Psychology in Science Group (OU)

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Tue Jun 26 09:18:39 CEST 2007

Open University - Funded full-time PhD Studentship in the Psychology in
Science Group, Faculty of Science
Department of Biological Sciences, three years from 1 October 2007,
based in Milton Keynes
Deadline: 13 July 2007

Psychology Research Studentship
A psychometric investigation of the nature and origins of
entrepreneurship (Human Factors International studentship). Supervisors:
Dr Alison Green and Dr Peter Naish.

Entrepreneurs are highly valued in society for their vision,
achievements, drive and vitality. Yet to date, there have been few
systematic psychological investigations of the nature and origins of
entrepreneurship. This PhD project will investigate entrepreneurial
skill through psychological assessments of acknowledged and upcoming

This innovative project is funded jointly by Human Factors International
(HFI) and the Open University. HFI have developed a questionnaire that
they call the Personal Enterprise Profile (PEP). This identifies whether
someone is a wealth creator by analysing personality, intellectual
ability, values and analytical skills. The Personal Enterprise Profile
(PEP) answers the question: "If I am a wealth creator, which of the four
routes would it be best to follow?" You are likely to make use of this
instrument in the research programme. You will also be offered a
one-year contract of employment with Human Factors upon successful
completion of the PhD. More company information at

Applicants for this studentship should have a good honours degree (2:1
or better) in Psychology and should have a strong, demonstrable interest
in human thinking, psychometrics, business psychology and/or creativity
research. Training or a MSc in Psychological Research Methods and
excellent communication skills are essential. Research will be carried
out primarily within the Centre for Collection of Normative Data
(CeCoND) at the Open University Campus in Milton Keynes. More
information about the Psychology in Science Group can be found at
http://www.open.ac.uk/science/biosci/psg/index.html. Some travel to
London to work at the Human Factors offices will also be required.

Details of departmental research groups, current projects and facilities
can be found at http://www.open.ac.uk/science/biosci/index.htm.

More info at http://www3.open.ac.uk/employment/job-details.asp?id=3129

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