CFP: University-Wide Entrepreneurship Education

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Jun 20 14:49:37 CEST 2007

Call for Papers
Handbook of University-Wide Entrepreneurship Education and Invited
Conference at Wake Forest University
Deadline: 15 August 2008

Entrepreneurship education is of interest to university students and
faculty outside the walls of the business school. New courses in
creativity and venturing in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social
sciences are increasingly prevalent on campuses both in the U. S. and in
other countries. At some universities entrepreneurship education is
taught through business schools but attracts students from other
disciplines. At others, new centers and funded programs seek to embed
entrepreneurial approaches in both thinking and action in schools and
disciplines outside the business school. Many of these efforts are
experimental, lacking guidance from previous experience on other

This handbook brings together in one volume a collection of papers that
describe the philosophy, planning and implementation, and examples of
best practices of entrepreneurship education initiatives across the
university environment. The goal of this handbook is to provide a
comprehensive guide for entrepreneurship curricula beyond the business
school environment. We seek contributions in three areas:

Philosophy & Theory.
Emphasizing philosophies that provide support for the fusion or
integration of entrepreneurship and other traditional approaches across
the broader university, papers might include:
* how entrepreneurship reinforces liberal arts learning goals
* entrepreneurship as idealizing democracy
* entrepreneurship and free market capitalism
* entrepreneurship contributions to humanity
* the nexus between entrepreneurship and scientific advancement

Planning & Broad Implementation.
Papers that deal with the politics & process of implementing
entrepreneurship initiatives outside business schools, such as:
* specific implementation approaches and program initiatives that have
been developed on different campuses
* common problems experienced in this process (e.g. defining
entrepreneurship, communication process) and solution alternatives
* issues germane to different types of academic environments (e.g. small
college versus large university) or target populations within
universities (e.g. liberal arts students, women students,
African-American students, Hispanic students, science students, etc.)
* measuring performance and the effectiveness of implementation efforts,
or assessing how an entrepreneurship curriculum contributes to learning
outcomes in other areas of the university

Intersections with Other Disciplines.
Fine-grained approaches to implementing entrepreneurship education in
major divisions of universities outside business schools, including:
* Humanities
* Social Sciences
* Arts and Performing Arts
* Natural & Physical Sciences
* Engineering & Medicine

Within these contributions we seek specific examples of programmatic
material used by contributors, such as sample syllabi,
cross-disciplinary projects, not-for-profit and social enterprise
initiatives, and community outreach beyond the boundaries of the campus,
as well as a discussion of successes, learning, and revision ideas
developed. Submitted papers will be considered for chapters in an edited
volume to be published in 2008 by Edward Elgar. Authors of papers that
generate new avenues of thought, and have the potential to contribute
significantly to further dialogue in the field, will be invited to a
special conference sponsored by Wake Forest University and the Kauffman
Foundation on entrepreneurship education. The conference will be held in
collaboration with Wake Forest University's Calloway School of Business
and the College of Arts and Sciences in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
from November 8-10, 2007, where the authors will have the opportunity to
present their work to some of the leaders in their fields.

Submitters should send the following:

1) Electronic copy of your manuscript in MS Word with a title page
listing authors' names, affiliations, and contact information.
2) The title page should list one of the three categories, listed above,
in which the paper should be considered (Philosophy, Planning, or
3) A cover letter requesting consideration for the edited handbook
and/or special conference.

These materials should be sent via email to:

Page West
westgp at
336-758-4260 (phone)
336-758-6133 (fax)

Submissions must be received by August 15, 2007.

Key dates to remember:

August 15, 2007 Submit paper
November 8-10, 2007 Conference in North Carolina
2008 Handbook published

Editors for the handbook include
Page West, Wake Forest University
Elizabeth J. Gatewood, Wake Forest University
Kelly G. Shaver, College of Charleston

More info at

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